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Author Topic: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them  (Read 18288 times)

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How to change default Pilot's View Positions in IL2

a Preview of the new Default 109E wide view, from the upcoming mod

Reasons for wanting to do this may be:

To fix a completely inaccurate POV, like the one in the Me262
To address some shortcomings of monitors vs the human eye.
To get more enjoyment from the beautifull 3d cockpits
To get more enjoyment from 6DOF
If you dont want to use other cumbersome applications to adjust your views.
More Immersion

At the time of writing this article, 30 June 2009, I am only a few weeks away from releasing a comprehensive mod that will change and improve default view in all flyable aircraft,as well as fix numerous mask,reticle and gunsight issues and one or two other things, and will negate the use of a number of other mods. So this is the manual I wrote for myself to do that. Enjoy!


This article assumes you know how to put a planes cockpit file in the mods folder and that u can use the basic functions of MsHconverter, and have knowledge of basic hier.him editing.

find the "body" mesh in the plane's cockpit folder, and convert it with Mesh Converter so you can use it .

(Meshconverter Guide in another topic)

Sometimes its called "Mainhull", or something like that instead. Anyway, its the one with Camera Hooks in. Every flyable plane has one.


When you have found and converted it, you can start editing it.

Fix the LOD setting first.
look for this


if you want to put a value here it can be 1, with some values your cockpit will dissapear in some views
best seems to be to delete the whole entry, including the [LOD] part, so there is nothing.
Without a value, if you dont delete the entry, the cockpit will crash.

Then find the hooks:


0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.08835403 0.31758 0.6125103
0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -0.00512 0.09678 0.61629

the first entry above is the default view from "CAMERA <BASE>"
the second entry is the "gunsight" view from "CAMERAAIM <BASE>"


First 9 values concern orientation, we deal with the last three here:

Mostly in hier type normal structure the
First value is F/B
Second value is L/R
Third Value is U/D

the last 3 values work different than in the Hier file.

In Camerameshes, the last three values can be very mixed up. you must figure out which is which. Luckily, the order they are in will be the same for all the cameras in the file. So if you get in the cockpit, and switch between the two views, and it for example goes forwards and backwards, but very little or not at all left and right or up and down, you can identify F/B as the one with the most difference. In the A6M2zero you have three cameras, one adjust you view upwards a lot (seat up position), so it's easy to spot the U/D value.

So, for some I have found:

the first value is left/right, or horisontal movement.
Assume 0.0 is more or less centre.
higher negative move you to the right
higher positive you to the left

the second value is forwards/backwards
lower values move you forwards
higher values values move you backwards

Note: your default normal, middle and wide views will shift relative to this position.

the third value is vertical movement
lower values move you down
Higher values move you up

whoa! too far left!

BUT, the negative and positive might be switched in some planes. You just have to experiment.

Experiment by loading your cockpit in the game. To make changed, do them and save the file, then load another planes cockpit, and then load the one you are working on afresh.

It seems that your 6dof limits are relative to these positions.

So, in short, make notes for yourself when you figure a planes camera order.


Value 1 = L/R (- to right)
Value 2 = B/F (- Forward)
Value 3 = Up/D (- Down)

Here is the key for the 109 E series:


If you are a proper wizeass, you can do tricks like this, in a bomber with two pilot positions, you can set the views to toggle you between seats. Ufortunately you cant dodge bullets this way..


Visit our Mods Factory forum and download some of the fixed view mods , so you can disect and examine them.

This view is adjusted way to far back. Nice for taking a screenshot, but nothing else, and obviously very unrealistic, unless you are modeling the tail gunner's eye-in-the-back-of-his-head


All the Best!



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Re: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2010, 03:30:53 AM »

Not posted in for at least 120 days. :o
Make that 0 Days Today...

Thanks for this CirX. I'm gonna need it for my Tank Mod.


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Re: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2010, 03:58:08 AM »

Not posted in for at least 120 days. :o
Make that 0 Days Today...

actually, it has been posted in, but we do what is known as housecleaning in the forums, to keep out random, arbitrary posts....
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2010, 05:50:30 AM »

.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2012, 07:58:05 AM »

Only a question:
after the modification of msh/text how is possible re-convert to msh file as the original?
Thanks in advanced.


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Re: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2012, 06:40:50 PM »

You don't need to and can't, convert it back to binary. The game will read it just fine as text.


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Re: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2012, 12:47:18 AM »

Yes as text the game read it fine, my demand has only a technical question, because i have seen that the original
Body.msh files are more little as bites than the same files after the modifications. Probably i suppose because they come from a SFS file package.


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Re: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2012, 04:56:45 AM »

Only an information in Default POV is possible menage also the inclination of the cameras UP/DOWN and if is possible what is the param to change?
Thanks in advanced.


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Re: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2012, 05:21:56 AM »

I assume you mean the vertical angle of it, in which case, use Kumpels Matrix tool:


{0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1}  <-- These deal with the scale/orientation, modify these with the matrix tool.

These last 3 numbers deal with the x, y, z position of the camera. Remember to not overwrite these when you change the above numbers with the matrix tool.--> 0.08835403 0.31758 0.6125103


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Re: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2012, 05:35:11 AM »

Thanks for the information now i try.


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Re: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2012, 06:19:51 AM »

Only a precisation please.
The Kumpels_Matrix i have read that is for hier.him files in the Body.msh the datas for the camera


0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.08835403 0.31758 0.6125103
0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -0.00512 0.09678 0.616291

works in the same way of the datas in hier.him?


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Re: the Default Pilot's View(POV) in Cockpits and how to change them
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2012, 06:46:49 AM »

Yes precisely the same system is used for all orientation and positioning of meshes in the game unless altered in anyway by a classfile.
Try and you'll see.  ;)
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