At this moment, SAS supports only one modpack for offline players, and that is UltraPack 2.0
If you wish to begin your mod experience with a pack, then this is the one we recommend.
Their home is here:
http://il2ultrapack.net46.net/index.phpTheir second home is of course , the SAS!

. The Special Aircraft Service for offline players!
This is a simple step by step guide that will get you started without snags, and set you up to further customize and mod your game as you choose.
We recommend having separate installs. So, take your entire IL2 Sturmovik main folder, copy it, and paste the whole thing somewhere else.
Part I : Getting up to UP 2.01) Update your stock unmodded copy of IL2 4.08 to version 4.09m.
You can find it here:http://forums.games.1c.ru/index.php?type=thread&msg_id=2282519
(Note: 4.09m IS NOT the same as 4.09b1m)
(Tip:Install the new 4.09m default skins also! highly recommended!)
2) Verify that it works by launching, and quit.
3A) Download UltraPack version 1.8 (about 3.1GB in total)
You can find it here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,2002.0.html(Note Here: There is also a Full Version UP 2.0 torrent Download available AFAIK, in which case, you can skip the whole 1.8 part)3B) If you are working with a downloaded (Ubi, Direct-2-Drive) copy of IL2, first install the direct to drive patch
You can find it here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1531.0.html4) When you have downloaded part 1 to 7 , launch the installer, point it to your copy of IL2 4.09m you want to apply the pack to,and allow it to install. (be patient, it will take while)
When it asks you, select the "client" installation type.
Guys who want to do it manually can of course "install" it to a separate folder and just copy the files over.
5) Exit installer, and verify that the game works by launching it. Dont change anything, just see that it works, quit the game, and carry on with step 6.
6) Download Ultrapack 2.0, the official upgrade for 1.8. (about 970MB)
You can find it here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,2002.msg27055.html#msg270557) Again, when you have downloaded all parts, run the installer, point it at your game, select "client" when it asks, and let it do it's thing.
Tip: While all this happens, browse the ultra apck site and also our ultrapack and help sections
http://il2ultrapack.net46.net/index.phphttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,61.0.htmlhttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,7.0.htmlhttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,4.0.htmlIt is important to educate yourself as much as possible. Remember, modding is not a service you pay for, it is something that a friend is sharing with you. The second most irritating thing in modding a person demanding service. The MOST irritating thing in modding is someone who asks a question that could have been answered by doing a little searching and reading.

Exit the installer when it is complete, and veryfy the game works by launching it and quit
You have now almost arrived. You should have a fully working UP 2.0 install.
Part II : Adding mods and SAS ButtonsSo, you are an offline player, and thus there is nothing stopping you from adding mods to this install, and using SAS buttons.
1) Find the "-MODS" folder in your main game folder, and remove the "-" from it, so it reads "MODS"
2) Verify the game works by launching it and quit
3) Download the latest SAS Buttons, and install it in the indicated place, inside the mods folder, at MODS\STD\gui\game\Buttons , replacing the one that is there already.
Find it here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,97.0.html4) Note the location of various folders inside that STD folder, for future reference when you install stuff. Whenever you install a mod, you will install it in the mods folder. Only ever touch the files folder if you are expressly told to do it and you know what you are doing there. Remember, whatever file you have in your mods folder, will OVERRIDE a copy of that file in your files folder.So the Files folder can contain the base of the pack, and you can merrily and safely "mod" it, from the mods folder.
5) Verify the game works by launching and quit.
Part III : Constomization by JSGME.exeJSGME is a program that will have been installed with your UP. You may even have gotten a shortcut to it on your desktop. Launch it and have a look. Inside your main game folder, a folder was created called "JSGME-MODS". The program will help you easily "activate" and "deactivate" some mods. All mods are not suitable for this,for example, Planes, are not so easily put in and taken out. But other mods are easy.
In the folder, some mods and options for your installation is already included. Read more about them in the readmes, or figure it out by yourself!
The way it works (if you open the jsgmemods folder and look inside the contents, you will notice how it works) is that it takes mods that are "loaded" into it's folder, and puts then in the folder indicated. So, if a mod is loaded into jsgmemods as \jsgmemodsHakenkruz Enabler\Files\PaintSchemes
Then, if you enable that mod, JSGME will put the paintschemes folder of the mod, into the FILES folder in your game. And it can then later remember how to take it out also.
NOTE: If you upgraded to UP2.0, you may have two jsgme mods folders. Check which one your JSGME.exe is using by launching it and comparing the contents. It will probably be the one called jsgmemods, and not the older JSGME-MODS one.
If the file in the JSGME folder was for example \jsgmemodsHakenkruz Enabler\MODS\PaintSchemes, then JSGME will try to put the paintschemes folder in your mods folder, which wont work, because the folder structure in the MODS folder is one degree shallower than the files folder. For it to work in MODS, it would have to be
\jsgmemods\Hakenkruz Enabler\MODS\ThisHakenMod\PaintSchemes
Complicated, eh? Not realy. Play around with the included mods and options. All will not be good for your taste and machine. Try some. If you dont like something, you can just use JSGME again to disable it.
Part IV : Customization by Dedicated ModsTo change aspects of the UP pack, is a s easy (or as hard) as Modding the game itself.
The SAS offers a whole forum dedicated to mods that are specifically made to change or replace certain features of HSFX or Ultra Pack. Some of these are old, and have since been replaced by options in your JSGME folder, and others are still valid. This forum is always growing and updating, so check often and if you have requests , make them in the SAS requests section.
This dedicated forum can be found here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,61.0.html.Part V : Further Manual Customization (Offliners)Once you have enabled the MODS folder, your game will read the air.ini, properties and buttons files contained in the mods folder, and ignore those in the files folder.
You can thus customise your game even more.
1) To remove planes that you dont want all the time ( UP comes with many "duplicate" slot planes aimed at online gamers), simply disable or remove them from your air.ini file in the STD folder in MODS.
2) Visit our tutorials forum for advice on how to further customise your air.ini and other aspects of the game
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,7.0.htmlNOTE: This document is a constant WIP. It may be incomplete at the moment. I work on it when I get the chance.