Well, something more consistent now - as I forewarned, the new British and Spanish bombs are coming useful now
(I used these planes as a test bed for them to tell the truth - for some armament layout I had no photo evidence for the Vildebeest, but found photo evidence for the Swordfish at a similar period, so these layout are more than possible, even probable - the best example is the 4 Hudson SBC160 underwing load that can be see on the Swordfish captured intact by the Italians during and attack on Rhodes and tested extensively at Guidonia)
So here again downloading and installing the British and Spanish bomb packs is required for having these planes flying correctly.
These include new flares where the chute deploy first then the flare igante (and not what is happening till now when the flare explodes as soon as you push the drop button - but IL2 planes are known to be difficult to ignate
The marine markers began to emit smoke in mid air then maintain their smoke emission for a long time on sea surface . CY6 helped me to find a way to have them activate only when touching the water buit the effect was much lees spectacular and less credible - another of Il2 idiosyncrasies - and anyway, snoke was enitted as soon as the marker was activated and came in contact with damp air, so, more often than not, it began emitting smoke in mid air, as here. However I have limited the time of smoke emission (it could last tens of minutes in reality).
British Bombs
https://www.mediafire.com/download.php?d49oeea8u37cofkBritish Bombs Addenda
https://www.mediafire.com/download.php?s19k841f5yyi937Spanish Bombs
https://www.mediafire.com/download.php?dwecz5ejllce5ocVildebeest Hispano Land, Hispano Seplane, Vildebeest III, Vildebeest IV
VildebeestL air.VildebeestL NOINFO i01 SUMMER
VildebeestLIII air.VildebeestLIII NOINFO i01 SUMMER
VildebeestLIV air.VildebeestLIV NOINFO i01 SUMMER
VildebeestS air.VildebeestS NOINFO i01 SUMMER
VildebeestL Vickers Vildebeest (Hispano), 1932
VildebeestS Vickers Vildebeest (Sea), 1933
VildebeestLIII Vickers Vildebeest III, 1931
VildebeestLIV Vickers Vildebeest IV, 1936
# VildebeestL
VildebeestL.default Default
VildebeestL.4x80KgHE+4x70KgHE 8 80kg RA-7 + 8 70kg RA-7bis
VildebeestL.2x100KgHE+4x50HE 2 100kg A3 + 4 50kg A2
VildebeestL.4x50Kg+8x10Kg 4 50kg RL MKVI + 8 10kg (Cooper MkII)
VildebeestL.1xTorpedo 1 450mm Whitehead Torpedo
VildebeestL.4x100lbsHE+4x100lbsAS 4 100lbs HE + 4 100lbs AS MkI
VildebeestL.2x230lbsHE+4x112lbsHE 2 230lbs RFC MkIII + 4 112lbs RFC MkVI
VildebeestL.4x120lbsHE+8x20lbs 4 120lbs HE + 8 20lbs Frags (Cooper MkIII)
VildebeestL.2x230lbsHE+8x10lbs 2 230lbs RFC MkIII + 8 10lbs Frags (Hales)
VildebeestL.2xSBC160_16x20lbs 2 Hudson SBC (20lbs Frags MkII)
VildebeestL.2xSBC160_16x20lbsPara 2 Hudson SBC (20lbs Frags Para MkII)
VildebeestL.4xSBC160_32x20lbs 4 Hudson SBC (20lbs Frags MkII)
VildebeestL.4xSBC160_32x20lbsPara 4 Hudson SBC (20lbs Frags Para MkII)
VildebeestL.2xSBC250_24x20lbs 2 SBC 250lbs (20lbs Frags MkII)
VildebeestL.2xSBC250_24x20lbsPara 2 SBC 250lbs (20lbs Frags Para MkII)
VildebeestL.none Empty
# VildebeestS
VildebeestS.default Default
VildebeestS.2x230lbsHE+8x20lbs 2 230lbMkIII + 8x20lbs Cooper
VildebeestS.4xAS100+4xDC250 4 100lbs AS Mk1 + 4 Mk3 Depth Charges 250lb
VildebeestS.4xAS250+4xAS100 4 250lbs AS Mk1 + 4x100lbs AS Mk1
VildebeestS.1xTorpedo 1 450mm Mk12
VildebeestS.none Empty
# VildebeestLIII
VildebeestLIII.default Default
VildebeestLIII.4x120lbsHE+4x100lbsHE 4 100 lbs HE + 4x 100lbs HE
VildebeestLIII.2x250lbsHE+2x120lbsHE+2x100lbsHE 2 250lbs HE + 2x120lbs HE + 2 100lbs HE
VildebeestLIII.2XFlares+2x120lbsHE+8x40lbsFPara 2 Flares MkI + 2x120lbs HE + 8 40lbs Frag Para MkI
VildebeestLIII.2x250lbsDC+8xMarkersMkII 2 250lbsDC MkVIII + 8 Markers MkII
VildebeestLIII.4x100lbsAS+8xMarkers MKII 4 100lbs AS + 8 Markers MkII
VildebeestL.1xTorpedo 1 450mm Whitehead Torpedo
VildebeestLIII.4x120lbsHE+8x20lbs 4 120lbs HE + 8x20lbs Frags Mk I (Cooper)
VildebeestLIII.2x250lbsHE+8x25lbsInc 2 250lbs HE + 8 25lbs Incendiary Mk1
VildebeestLIII.2xSBC160_16x20lbs 2 Hudson SBC 16 20lbs Frags MkII
VildebeestLIII.2xSBC160_16x20lbsPara 2 Hudson SBC (16x20lbs Frags Para MkII)
VildebeestLIII.4xSBC160_32x20lbs 4 Hudson SBC (32x20lbs Frags MkII)
VildebeestLIII.4xSBC160_32x20lbsPara 4 Hudson SBC (32x20lbs Frags Para MkII)
VildebeestLIII.2xSBC250_24x20lbs 2x SBC 250lbs (24x20lbs Frags MkII)
VildebeestLIII.2xSBC250_24x20lbsPara 2x SBC 250lbs (24x20lbs Frags Para MkII)
VildebeestLIII.none Empty
# VildebeestLIV
VildebeestLIV.default Default
VildebeestLIV.4x120lbsHE+4x100lbsHE 4 100 lbs HE + 4x 100lbs HE
VildebeestLIV.2x250lbsHE+2x120lbsHE+2x100lbsHE 2 250lbs HE + 2x120lbs HE + 2x100lbs HE
VildebeestLIV.2XFlares+2x120lbsHE+8x20lbsFPara 2 Flares MkII + 2x120lbs HE + 8x20lbs Frag Para MkIII
VildebeestLIV.2x120lbsHE+8x40lbsFPara 2 120lbs HE + 8x40lbs Frag Para MkIII
VildebeestLIV.4xMarkerMkIII+4x100lbsAS 4 100lbs AS Mk1 + 4xMarkers MkIII
VildebeestLIV.1xTorpedo 1 450mm Whitehead Torpedo
VildebeestLIV.2x250lbsDC+2x100lbsAS+2xMarkersMkIII 2 250lbs DC MkIX + 2 Markers MkIII + 2x100lbs AS Mk4
VildebeestLIV.2x250lbsHE+8x30lbsInc 2 250lbs HE + 8 30lbs Incendiary MkIII
VildebeestLIV.2xSBC160_16x20lbs 2 Hudson SBC 16x20lbs Frags MkIII
VildebeestLIV.2xSBC160_16x20lbsPara 2 Hudson SBC (16x20lbs Frags Para MkIII)
VildebeestLIV.4xSBC160_32x20lbs 4 Hudson SBC (32x20lbs Frags MkIII)
VildebeestLIV.4xSBC160_32x20lbsPara 4 Hudson SBC (32x20lbs Frags Para MkIII)
VildebeestLIV.2xSBC250_24x20lbs 2 SBC 250lbs (24x20lbs Frags MkIII)
VildebeestLIV.2xSBC250_24x20lbsPara 2 SBC 250lbs (24x20lbs Frags Para MkIII)
VildebeestLIV.none Empty
Original 3d Model, Java Files, FM: Dreamk
Skins and template: Agracier and Archie
Quality control process: Epervier
Advices on Java methods: CY6
FM upgrade: Leibig
This mod is for 4.10 and has been tested on SAS modact and DBW 1.7
This package is freeware.
This software may be freely used, copied and distributed with the following restrictions:
1) the present post must be included as a "Readme" text file.
2) DO NOT place these files anywhere that requires a fee for downloading.
3) DO NOT place any of these files in any commercial package or any CD collection without the authors consent.
Theses files should not cause any problems with your computer, but we accept no responsibility if you think it does.
Thanks to Oleg Maddox and Qtim for creating Il2 and opening the gates to Mod creation, to Kumpel for his matrix tool, and thanks to SAS for enabling modders to share their knowledge on Il2 modding.