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Author Topic: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)  (Read 419609 times)

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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #624 on: February 21, 2014, 12:20:04 PM »

No problem. I'm working on getting tigers sounds stable in 4.12 like that guy in the video. I asked him what he did and I will post here when he responds. Sometimes my game doesn't start with tigers sounds, but sometimes it is fine. Weird. I thing it has something to do with the .rc file.


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #625 on: February 21, 2014, 02:33:29 PM »

Okay, so after playing around with the .rc file I have gotten Tigers sounds stable in Vanilla 4.12.2m+5.3 Modact+5.3 AI Flyables+Optional JSGME extras. Check out my .rc file and see where I placed Tigers sounds. You can copy and paste my .rc if you'd like. The .rc file is in SAS>std
Code: [Select]
@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdParam NAME param \
HELP param <name of command> [<name param> [<value>]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdLoad NAME load \
  load <full class name> \n \
\t[NAME <command name>] \n \
\t[HELP <help string>] \n \
\t[PARAM <name param> [<value>]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdLoad NAME unload \
HELP unload <command name>
@param unload DELETE on

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdFile NAME file PARAM CURENV on \
HELP file <file name of list commans> [BREAK] - in current environment

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdFile NAME f \
HELP f <file name of list commans> [BREAK] - in new environment

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSet NAME set \
HELP set <name of atom> <string>

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSet NAME del PARAM REMOVE on \
HELP del <name of atom>

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdShow NAME show \
HELP show [<pattern of name atoms>] [AREA <name of area>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdShow NAME history PARAM HISTORY on \
HELP history

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHelp NAME help PARAM SIZE 10 WIDTH 60 \
HELP help [<pattern of commands>] [NAMES] [SIZE <size of colons>] [WIDTH <width>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHelp NAME ? PARAM SIZE 10 WIDTH 60 \
HELP ? [<pattern of commands>] [NAMES] [SIZE <size of colons>] [WIDTH <width>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdAlias NAME alias \
HELP alias [<name> <string>] | [<name> REMOVE]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHotKey NAME hotkey \
HELP hotkey [<hot key> CMD <command>] [ENV [<environment>]] [CMDRUN [<cmdrun>] [REALTIME]]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHotKeyCmd NAME hotkeycmd \
HELP hotkeycmd [ENV [<environment>]] [EXEC <name> [TIME <sec>]] [START <name>] [STOP <name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdActorSpawn NAME spawn \
  spawn <actor class name> \n \
\t[NAME <name>] [POSP <position>] [POSO <orientation>] \n \
\t[BASED <actor name for calculate position and orientation>] \n \
\t[BASE <name base actor>] [HOOK <name hook base actor>] \n \
\t[OWNER <name owner actor>] \n \
\t[ICON <icon name>] [MESH <mesh name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdTimeout NAME timeout \
HELP timeout <timeout in ms> <command name> [<params>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdConsole NAME console0 \
  console0 [WRAP [on|off]] [PAGE [<size>]] [PAUSE [on|off]] [CLEAR] \n \
\t[HISTORY [<size>]] [HISTORYCMD [<size>]] [LOG [on|off]] [LOGTIME [on|off]] \n \
\t[LOGFILE [<file name>]] [LOAD <file name>] [SAVE <file name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdConsole NAME console \
  console [CLEAR] [HISTORY [<size>]] [HISTORYCMD [<size>]] \n \
\t[LOG [on|off]] [LOGFILE [<file name>]] [LOAD <file name>] [SAVE <file name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFObj NAME fobj \
HELP fobj [mask] [RELOAD]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSFS NAME sfs \
HELP sfs [MOUNT <lib name> [<as path>]] [UNMOUNT <lib name>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdGC NAME GC

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdPreload NAME preload \
HELP preload [<name of resource>] [SAVE <file name>] [REGISTER] [NOREGISTER] [CLEAR]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdWindow NAME window \
HELP window [<width> [<height> [<bpp> [<stencilbits>]]]] [FULL] [PROVIDER <name.dll>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFov NAME fov \
HELP fov [<angle>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdMission NAME mission \
HELP mission [LOAD <name>] [BEGIN] [END] [DESTROY]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdTOD NAME tod \
HELP tod [<hour.min>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSocket NAME socket \
 <empty>          (list protocols)\n \
 LISTENER [<0|1>] (enable/disable connect from remote hosts)\n \
 JOIN [BREAK]     (show status join/ break join)\n \
 <protocol>       (list sockets)\n \
 <protocol> CREATE [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] [CHANNELS <n>] [SPEED <n>]\n \
 <protocol> CHANNELS <n> [SPEED <n>] [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] \n \
 <protocol> SPEED <n> [CHANNELS <n>] [[LOCAL]HOST <nm>] [[LOCAL]PORT <n>] \n \
 <protocol> DESTROY [LOCALHOST <nm>] LOCALPORT <n> [HOST <nm>] [PORT <n>]\n \
 <protocol> JOIN [LOCALHOST <nm>] [LOCALPORT <n>] HOST <nm> [PORT <n>] [SPEED <n>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSocks NAME socks \
HELP socks [ON|OFF] [HOST <socks host addr>] [PORT <socks host port>] [USER <user name>] [PWD <password>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdChannel NAME channel \
 <empty>  (list channels)\n \
 <number> [DESTROY] [SPEED <b/s>] [TIMEOUT <sec>] [STAT <sec>]

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdHost NAME host \
 <empty>  (list hosts)\n \
 PATH   (list pathes)\n \
 <name> (rename local host)

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdUser NAME user \
HELP [<name>|<*>] [# <N>] [ARMY <N>|<name>] [STAT]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdKick NAME kick \
HELP <name>

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdKickN NAME kick# \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdBanned NAME ban \
 [ADD] [REM] [NAME [<name>]] [PATTERN [<pattern>]] [IP [<ip mask>]]\n \
 [CLEAR] [LOAD [<file name>]] [SAVE [<file name>]]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdChat NAME chat \
HELP <message> [ALL] [MY_ARMY] [TO# <N>] [TO <name>|<*>] [ARMY <N>|<name>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdRadio0 NAME rch \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdRadio NAME radio \
HELP radio [<name>] [NONE] [COMMON] [ARMY] [LIST]

@load com.maddox.sound.CmdMusic NAME music \
HELP music [PLAY] [STOP] [BREAK] [VOL] [PATH <randpathname>] [FILE <filename>]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdDotRange NAME mp_dotrange \
HELP mp_dotrange [FRIENDLY|FOE] [DEFAULT] [COLOR <km>] [DOT <km>] [RANGE <km>] [TYPE <km>] [ID <km>] [NAME <km>]

@load com.maddox.il2.engine.cmd.CmdFPS NAME fps \

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdSpeedBar NAME speedbar \
HELP speedbar [SHOW|HIDE]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdExtraOcclusion NAME extraocclusion \
HELP extraocclusion [ON|OFF]

@load com.maddox.il2.game.cmd.CmdSaveWeapons

@sfs MOUNT tigersounds_1.sfs
@sfs MOUNT tigersounds_2.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_3do.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do07.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do08.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do08p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do09p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do10p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do11p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do12p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do13p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do14p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do15.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do16p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do17.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do18.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do19.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do20.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do21.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do22.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do23.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do24.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do25.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_3do26.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_maps.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps06.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps07p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps08p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps09p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps10p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps11.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps12p.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps13.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps14.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps15.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps16.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps17.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps18.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps19.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_maps20.sfs

@sfs MOUNT fb_sound.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound03.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound04.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound05.sfs
@sfs MOUNT fb_sound06.sfs

@load com.maddox.rts.cmd.CmdSFSAutoMount NAME sfsautomount \
HELP sfsautomount [MOUNT <folder name>] [UNMOUNT <folder name>]
@sfsautomount MOUNT SFS_AUTO

#preload REGISTER
@file .preload

So, 1) Download jsgme Tigers sounds 4.09. 2) Delete the buttons file and .rc file in the UV3 folder. 3) Place that UV3 folder directly into your SAS folder. 4) Download and place the two .sfs files in your main game folder. 5) Add the two Tigers sounds lines to your .rc as I did above (If you are running vanilla 4.12.2+MA 5.3+AI 5.3+JSGME extras you can copy and paste my .rc content into yours.)


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #626 on: February 21, 2014, 03:36:26 PM »

Many, many THX Drewm3i ...!  :D

I'm going to post your "trick" on the first page ...  ;)


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #627 on: February 21, 2014, 04:07:15 PM »

Sorry I should have mentioned I'm not running UV3 in my 4.12.2 HSFX 7.01, when I installed it my game would crash at the same spot during a mission, if I remember correctly there were 3 orr 4 errors and all were about missing landing gear chucks or something like that. I know I should have posted my log but due to time I just dashed it out and now I'm flying what ever came stock with the 4.12.2 install. Again Sorry for the oversight.  TC


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #628 on: February 21, 2014, 04:15:10 PM »

So, my game was working perfectly and then I closed out of it. I went to play it again and it won't launch. So, I removed the lines from my .rc, removed the uv3 folder, and even removed the sfs files from my main folder and it still won't launch. Let us know if my "fix" works for you, because I think my issues are in my install, not in this fix.


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #629 on: February 21, 2014, 04:28:43 PM »

Hi Drewm3i.....I think it is your install.....I copied your content from the rc. file posted on this page and copied  it to my rc. file in the #SAS folder after making a "backup" copy of mine and my game loads and works fine..... ;)


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #630 on: February 21, 2014, 05:01:51 PM »

Yes I know, I just fixed the issue. It had something to do with wolfighter gore FX or sad small FX, not tigers sounds.


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #631 on: February 23, 2014, 05:55:18 AM »

Hello everyone.
It's with great pleasure that I see this topic still active. (Ouch ??? Over 120,000 readings and 53 pages of comments!! 8))
All these long years tweaking the old il2 for sound environment have served something.

Thank you all .... and especially to my old mate Mick continuing since a long time to do  "service after sale" of the Ultimate Sound Mod V3 with infinite patience.

I do not have the time or inclination to make perfectly compatible UV3 with changes from DT team.. :( but  finally allows me to enjoy playing Il2 from 4.09 or 4.11 .. 

Battle of Stalingrad  or  Cliff of dovers attract my attention so stay tuned.... maybe ..but i don't know for the moment ;)


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #632 on: February 23, 2014, 06:32:24 AM »

Very Cool Tiger, good to see you post here at SAS again, I hope you are well.
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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #633 on: February 23, 2014, 06:52:01 AM »

It's good to know you're still around Tiger, I don't think I need to say you have been missed the board posts says that, I'll just say happy to see you are back and posting.  TC


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #634 on: February 24, 2014, 01:07:29 AM »

Guys it is very easy to use tiger UV3 with 4.12...Downloaded sfs extractor and extract the two files sfs on desktop,  add them on a single folder and and then place them on the mod folder.


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Re: Tiger 33's Ultimate Sound mod V3 (UV3)
« Reply #635 on: February 24, 2014, 02:58:54 AM »

...  ???

Tony4mori, are you sure it is as simple as that ...?

Could a few guys test and report back please ? (sorry, I can't do it 'cause I only run a 4.09 version)
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