NEWS BELOWHi pilots!
Another half year is over and I´m going to come to you with next map re-painting.
I´ve retextured the
Ardennes maps with photographic textures.
First: I´ve canceled this terrible "desk over lines of Ardennes map" in terrain. Now you can see terrain what is continuing behind lines of the end of map. I´ve canceled strange ends of rivers and woods.
I created hills of slags around Asch airfield.
Next: I´ve made textures from Belgian, even if I don´t know, if they look like sixty-five years ago. Who knows?
and next too: I´ve made my first winter map. I think that it isn´t perfect, but I tried to make it good-looking. Some fields are with little snow, some fields with more. I did many experiments with woods, but winter wood is terrible I think.
how to capture screen I would like to thank to Max_thehitman for his infomation about Asch airfield. We haven´t any air photo of this airfield, but many information about classic USAAF airports and hills of slag around it and so one. Thanks.
Here is a
trailer for this map. You will see a few villages, fields, Bastogne, and so one.
DOWNLOAD LINK RECOMMENDING: Fly with Forrest=3 in conf.ini
Fly with Cloudtype=3 or higher or early morning in .mis files
Cloudheight 2300 or higher
Special attention: When you will fly some famous campaign - Legend of Y-29 or something like this, you will able to see some effects:
Some smokes and lights will be over terrain
Some planes you will able to see take off over terrain in intros.
Thats why I edited terrain for better feelings.
Edit by SAS~Bombsaway: I'm adding the links for the BumpH files made by hguderian for the summer version and the winter version BumpH files that I made so members can find them easier.
hguderian's summer BumpH's.'s winter BumpH files. the files in thier correct tex folder, winter or summer.
And for all who wanted Luft hangar and hangar type D and G (and hangar type D winter), what I used in map this take to static.ini
Title Luftwaffe_Hangar
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Industrial/Luft_Hangar/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Industrial/Luft_Hangar/dead.sim
AddHeightLive -2.0
AddHeightDead -2.0
Body RockBig
Panzer 0.34
Title TypeD-herbe
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Russia/Kiev/TypeD-herbe/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Russia/Kiev/TypeD-herbe/dead.sim
AddHeightLive -6.45
AddHeightDead -6.45
Body RockBig
Panzer 0.1
Title TypeD-herbe_W
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Russia/Kiev/TypeD-herbe_W/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Russia/Kiev/TypeD-herbe_W/dead.sim
AddHeightLive -6.45
AddHeightDead -6.45
Body RockBig
Panzer 0.1
Title Hangar_typeG
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Russia/Kiev/Hangar_typeG/live.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Russia/Kiev/Hangar_typeG/dead.sim
Body RockBig
Panzer 0.1
imageI made a new version of Ardennes map - more snowy. There aren´t fields without snow, only a few parts. Crossings among fields are more fluently.
This version is more historical - if you fly missions like Bodenplatte, this version is for you! Winter between december 1944 and january 1945 was very hard. And next good new - this version included actor.static and wactor.static without mods objects.
You don´t need any instalation of mods object! Thats why I pack summmer and winter version to one 7-zip. Winter version included BumpH files by SAS Bombsaway - thank you Bombsaway.
DOWNLOAD LINK: I read messages by some pilots about instalation this version in own slot in all.ini. Pilots - honestly - my personal opinion - these changes are so little, that there aren´t reasons for own slot for this map. I changed only textures and a few hangars from MODS to defaults hangars, that´s all.Good flight!