Hello guys this is my re-work of the original Aviatik C.I/III mod.
This includes the original two aircraft of that mod in individual slots and two new models from the alternative heir for those types:
Mediafire link:
https://www.mediafire.com/?qs806xs4kikwwbrThis mod uses weapons made by Dreamk so you will need these in your install if you do not use DBW 1916:https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,33456.0.html3D model by: gio963tto.
Slot: Mission_bug, using existing Aviatik class by Loku/Dreamk with 3Dparts from the original model for the cockpit.
FM: Currently points to U2.
Default skins: Stalker.
Cockpit textures: vpmedia
Weapon options: Dreamk
The active cockpit for the release uses the original 3d from the model:
There is also a alternate version included that uses the original functioning instruments and internals combined with the Gio 3d:
Currently working in my DBW 1916, DBW 1.71 and 4.12 with SAS ModAct 5.30.
Place one or all of the aircraft folders into your mod folder and add the following to your air.ini:
Aviatik2 air.Aviatik2 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Aviatik3 air.Aviatik3 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
AviatikRhino air.AviatikRhino 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
AviatikSAML air.AviatikSAML 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Four alternate weapon options:
If you wish to add the Self stationary for one or all of of the aircraft add the relevent files to your mod folder and please make sure you have a section in stationary and technics files.
Aviatik2 vehicles.planes.Aviatik2Static$Aviatik2 2
Aviatik3 vehicles.planes.Aviatik3Static$Aviatik3 2
AviatikRhino vehicles.planes.AviatikRhinoStatic$AviatikRhino 2
AviatikSAML vehicles.planes.AviatikSAMLStatic$AviatikSAML 2
// Self Stationary planes
Description Aviatik2
Icon Plane
Class air.Aviatik2
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Description Aviatik3
Icon Plane
Class air.Aviatik3
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Description AviatikRhino
Icon Plane
Class air.AviatikRhino
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
Description AviatikSAML
Icon Plane
Class air.AviatikSAML
PanzerBodyFront 0.004
From the alternate hier in the existing Aviatik, one remains as it was the other has a radiator added from the LVG to represent a B.I.
The Rhino and SAML are the same aircraft you see in the original folder but have been made into seperate slots to facilitate individual cockpit folders.
Gap in upper wing fixed by bringing each wing inwards slightly.
Upper wing machine gun working in the AviatikSAML.
If you change the aircraft skin you also need to add the skin1o.tga for it into the cockpit folder so you get a uniform scheme overall.
Cockpit and gunner stations all funtioning.
This ships with the cockpit using Gio's 3d with working steering column and rudder bar but no working gauges.
There is a seperate cockpit folder in each of the Aviatiks that uses the working parts of the original cockpit including working instruments but has the 3d from Gio's model to cover any holes and portray each of the changes as viewed from the cockpit of each model type.
If you have the aircraft on 4 x speed when the AI lands you get some strange things happen, the aircraft will wander off and land elswhere.
All the aircraft now have a bomber designation added to the original java, the SAML also fighter.
Weapon loads are subject to alteration.
In my 4.12 the aircraft had a strange visual bug, if you look behind you do not see the observer, however, if you switch to the gunner pit and back you do. ???
Thank you very much to all those who participated in this project, your contributions are greatly appreciated.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.