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Author Topic: Ta-183 with IFF & radar support for gyro-gunsight, homing missiles, and fixes  (Read 45083 times)

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This mod is much alike my Ta-183 mod for AAA: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,4354.msg61147.html#msg61147
but supposed to replace default Ta-183 (no FM changes) and have some enhancements, additions, and fixes.

Differencies vs. default Ta-183:

Fixed chassis cover opening angle, fixed flaps deflection angle.

Fixed air scheme: here it is a flying wing with elerons acting as elevons (elerons & elevators simultaneously),
small controls surfaces on tailplane acting as trimmers, DM and mechanics changed accordingly, elevons and trimmers are independent.

Askania-like gyro-gunsight (credits to MrJolly & Lt.Wolf for the idea of gyro-gunsight mod for Ta-183).

Differencies vs. Ta-183 mod for AAA:

Missiles sequence launch fix - now missiles launches from outer pylons first, from inner pylons afterwards;
Gyro-gunsight adjusts range to the target automatically, sight range controls used to switch IFF requester modes.

IFF requester, depending on the set mode, switching gunsight visual modes to prevent frendly fire.
IFF requester modes:

IFF NO check       - no IFF check performed (IFF requester off);
IFF check FRIEND - IFF requester switches off gunsight gyro mode, if friendly plane comes in sight (default mode);
IFF check FOE     - IFF requester switches on gunsight gyro mode, only if enemy plane comes in sight, else U just see fixed reticle.

Padlock no longer linked to sight rangefinder, line-of-sight technology used.

Small DM fix (CoG shift).

Standart weapon loadout list extended with various 2x guns and 4x guns combinations with homing X-4 AAM's & X-7 AGM's.
Additional weapon configurations is as follows:
4x Bombe-Raketen
24x R4/M Orkan +2x Typ D Abwurftanks
2x X-4 + 2x Typ D Abwurftanks
2x X-4 homing + 2x Abwurftanks
4x X-4 homing - 2x MK 108
2x X-4 homing
2x X-4 homing + 2x X-7 homing
(outer X-4's BOMB key, inner X-7's rocket key)
2x X-7 homing
2x X-7 homing + 2x Abwurftanks
4x X-7 homing - 2x MK 108
4x Luftmarkierungskorpers
2x AB 250
2x AB 500 - 2x MK 108
4x SC 50
4x SC 70

2x SC 250

2x Typ D Abwurftanks
2x MG 151/20 + 2x MK 108/30
4x MG 151/20
4x MG 213/20
(this loadout will appear, only if U have installed some mod with MK 213 cannon, for example, Me-410 mod by Hunin, Mr.Jolly, VPMedia, Zeppo. Slow, Zorin)

AI fix:
now AI can use not only X7 against ground TGTs in stand-off mode, but also X4 & X7 (guided & homing) against bombers w/o order.
AI also can use X4 & X7 (guided & homing) against fighters, but, due to notorious Ta bug, only if opportunity exists or direct order issued.

Credit to Storebror for the idea how to make AI launch missiles within AC class.

UPDATE --------------------------------------------------------------------
Loadouts with droptanks (awurftanks in German) added (due to absence of special hooks it looks odd in loadout screen, as it has been just dropped)

AI handling of guided & homing missiles improved and become more realistic, especially in air-to-ground role.
Now AI can attack exactly that ground or naval target it "want", as it have direct control over missiles;
commits ground attacks with X-4 AAM in guided mode; in some cases it will turn guided missile back to another run, if it missed target.
General AI control over X-series missiles in air-to-ground mode also improved and depending on AI skill.
For homing AGMs range is 4000-5000 m.

DM changes: airframe overspeed desintegration now starts with tail assembly, as most prone to flutter.

UPDATE --------------------------------------------------------------------
Added bombing loadouts (see loadouts list above).
Made some tuning for instrument panel and gunsight:
- gun ammo gauges recalibrated;
- primary trigger animated;
- each pair of guns now has saparate trigger, lower pair is switchable;
- X-4 lamps now working and reflecting ordnance presence on external hardpoints;
- X-4 knüppel animated, lamp near knüppel lights when X-4 is on-line in the air;
- gunsight recalibrated to Allies wingspans range;
- target range gauge now working;
- rotating wingspan knob animated and has B-29 wingspan option,
  for proper operation add this line in hud_log.properties file: AskaniaWing10 Wingspan Selected: B29

Link to download: http://www.gamefront.com/files/20642329/Ta-183.rar
Mediafire Mirror: https://www.mediafire.com/download/011kku9iskrxcst
Modact 5 / IL-2 4.12.2m version: https://www.mediafire.com/download/94g1vjs5i4kds9p
RocketXseries mod (required): http://www.gamefront.com/files/20401464/RocketXseries410_rar
Mediafire Mirror: https://www.mediafire.com/download/1eyb9gad2pg78z6

Overwrite files, if prompted (BTW, U can remove unnecessary EA0CFEF4EC5357AC classfile).



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I'll let you know, as I have that one installed and downloading this new one now... so I'll for sure find out
U must cause a lot of damage to old AAA mod plane to find out. I would recommend to just kill old one, if U installed this one.
There can arise some issues in DM of old mod, if U have installed new one.


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is it just me getting an HTTP 403 error with the link? :(
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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woahhhhh... this is so great!!!!
you own the sky, man!

D/L ed, installed, works on UP2.01

the rangefinder also is perfectly working.



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Nice one!

By Homing x 4 you mean the self guided ones?
And do tehy have a 99% hit ratio? (just asking)

Love the X7 concept thow and the fact that the IA can use them.


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Very strange, I usually have no problem with filefront but for some reason I can't download this mod (tried with Firefox and IE)  :(


  • flying as #46 with the FAC
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same here - i get a forbidden error, tried using different browsers, very weird....
any chance of an alternative link, Twister?  ;)
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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I can't activate this thing, I put it in the mods folder than, nothing changed in the game.

Please help me!



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just put the three folders from the pack to MODS.

nothing else needed.


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I did it. It's working now! ;D
Thanks for the help!! :D :D


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same here - i get a forbidden error, tried using different browsers, very weird....
any chance of an alternative link, Twister?  ;)
Did U have troubles with FileFront or just with this one link ?
Just reloaded mod for the case: http://www.filefront.com/17257122/Ta-183_patch.rar

BTW, I recently updated Me-262 HGII gyro-gunsight same way.


  • flying as #46 with the FAC
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the new link works fine, thanks Twister....normally i have no problem d/l'ing from filefront, it was just this particular link giving me an access forbidden error 403...strange, but it works fine with the new link, thanks again!  8) ;D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)
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