The map is in basic mode, with default textures mainly. Installation in readme.txt. Tested with HSFX 4.1, your missions created in FMB may be readily saved and loaded.
D/L here: pictures here :
Update on December, 20, 2010:
This is new WIP release of EastBalt map, now version 012.
What is new:
Airfields placement (almost) completed for the given region.There are three types of AF included:
i. default ones, where the information other than just geographic coordinates lacked,
ii. nowadays ranweys according to GoogleEarth, where the information on the state during
the 1939-45 period was not yet available,
iii. The AF with reliable historical info.
Mymap_c repaired in the region of Pillau and Koenigsberg. Ed_m0X.tga files reworked using
newer map_h file (transforming it from greyscale to RGB, inverting colours and colouring)
and map_T (copying highways, railways, roads and woods).
Instead of Koenigsberg cathedral, stBartholomew made by Stoupa was used as placeholder,
according to author's written permission. Similarly PiterZimny instead of Koenigsberg
castle was applied for now. After anybody help with creating these objects, these would be
With authors written permission, ZUTI's friction mod and KevinP's Road mod were included
into the map package for users convenience.
Link to d/l : screenshots:
1. Unpack the d/l file into temporary folder.
2. Follow the instructions given in three text files, namely in
all_ini entry.txt
Roads_KDP static_ini.txt
3. Copy/Paste into your MODS folder the following folders:
4. Copy/Paste into your MODS/Mapmods/Maps folder the folder named
5. Copy/Paste into your MODS/Mapmods/Maps/_tex folder the folder named
6. Enjoy.
KevinP, ZUTI, agracier, Stoupa, Mrs Emilia Vilimovska, skvorez, aerodrom, SLADE,Oknevas,
UP~Boomer, nachprod, Mixx, Poltava, deSAD, YuVe, V@S'OK, Karabas-Barabas, andrey65, OLORIN,
CzechTexan, r4xm, F22-Raptor-2006. I hope nobody was omitted, in that case excuse me, please.
Everybody who wants to use any part of this map package may do it frely, except of the
third party mods, where written permission of the authors is necessary. Everybody who wants
to take the development of this map over, can do it freely (according to my age, it might
be that I cannot finish the task).
Ivan Uzin
Update on February, 24, 2011.
As I promised, the winter version of the map is now, in February, released, together with reworked summer one.
It was tested in HSFX4.1, UP2.01 and Il2v4.10 with SASmodact2.5.
You can d/l it here: instructions are included in the pack.
Here are some screenshots: