When I saw the new thread with the MG Jeep, I couldn't help but think this would be very cool if adjusted to be historically accurate
representation to be Jeeps of the British Long Range Desert Group , David Stirling's forerunner to the SAS.
David Stirling, father of the LRDG and the SAS
I had visions of the well known Pink Panther Land Rover armed to the teeth in my head.
On my first level of investigation, however, I discovered that contrary to what I had understood, in WW2 the LRDG used US manufactured Willys Jeeps rather than Land Rovers ( the Pinkys came into use in the 50s). While the Pink Panther is a very cool and effective vehicle and would be useful to many in the shadows of the SAS halls, I am interested in WW2 historically, and so I think the LRDG Willys Jeep is more the flavour of the sim (at least as I fly it).

Note the interesting tactical arrangement of this two vehicle group. The twin Vickers-Berthier MG are place forward in the lead vehicle, and rearward in the rear vehicle. The front vehicle has an unmounted VB MG, capable of bringing to bear in any direction, while the rear vehicle has a forward pintle mounted .50 cal browning.

For alternate armament, a 40mm Bofors mounted on a small truck (can anyone id the model?)

The LRDG apperently used quite a combination of vehicle types as needs and supply allowed. The first pic below shows an armoured car ( I can't tell which type. Anyone else?)adapted by removing the turret and augmenting both the MG armament and water and fuel supply.

For the Cold Warriors among you, I present the Pink Panther,

Hope you like.