Mmm, what a schón luftjeager
Sorry for the few queries below, especially if they are semi out of topic...
....EDITED by myself... see bottom of post.
Also, if I have updated the buttons for normal DBW (v10 buttons 4.101) should I do the same for the DBW1916 one as well, or leave the 1916 ones as original ?
I am dl'ing a 2nd time - possible/likely corrupted 1st dl and install failure, I do install this into the #DBW1916 folder and its associated lines into the DBW1916 and its internally located air, plane and weapon ini/ru-'s don't I ? ..or does it need the Albatros D.III already installed to work off ?
Ah I think need the updated FM to make it work I believe,32138.msg341909.html#msg341909 , and reading that I just drop in the new FM without replacing the orignal one - I gather then that this new FM is the base to the specific FM augmenter, or can I delete the old OeffagDIII_FM ?
Mmm my newer dl of this in its unpacked folder doesn't have a OeffagDIII_FM anymore, so that answers my line above thought then..