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Author Topic: F-51 Mustang  (Read 28462 times)

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F-51 Mustang
« on: September 03, 2009, 11:12:16 PM »

F-51 by uf_Josse

Building on the public beta that was released some time ago, the new version of the F-51 was finally released. The upgrades are way too numerous to list here, so here is a link, translated from french so it may be a bit rough:

More Info on F-51 by Josse.

Download F51-MOD-RC-02sep.zip

Alternative Download Link

Some very awesome features included with this mod. Just to name a few, canopy only openable on the ground and if you go to fast it rips off, landing lights automatically shut off with gear retraction and can't be turned on if stowed, dynamic CG based on fuel and payload, tail wheel unlocks when you push the stick forward and locks when centered, and more like realistic engine performance.

Make sure you also get the latest version of the [https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,97.0.html]SAS Buttons[/url].

Add to air.ini:

F51 air.F51D 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER

Add to plane_ru:

F51 F-51D, 1947

Add to Weapons_ru:

# F51
F51.default Defaut
F51.4x12.7 4x.50cal
F51.bidons 2x75 gal. Droptanks
F51.bidons+4x12.7 4x.50cal + 2x75 gal. Droptanks
F51.HVAR HVAR Rockets
F51.bidons+HVAR HVAR Rockets + 2x75 gal. Droptanks
F51.500 2x500 lb. Bombs
F51.500+4x12.7 4x.50cal + 2x500 lb. Bombs
F51.500+HVAR 2x500 lb. Bombs + HVAR Rockets
F51.500+HVAR+4x12.7 4x.50cal + 2x500 lb. Bombs + HVAR Rockets
F51.1000 2x1000 lb. Bombs
F51.1000+4x12.7 4x.50cal + 2x1000 lb. Bombs
F51.napalm Napalm
F51.napalm+HVAR Napalm + HVAR Rockets
F51.napalm+HVAR+4x12.7 4x.50cal + Napalm + HVAR Rockets
F51.none Empty



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Re: New F-51 From Josse at C6 Out Now!
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2009, 12:11:09 AM »

Yes, and gadgets too.....  ;D

They are not so important features, regarding FM, engine and so on, but, it is really easy to implement those little things.... (canopy, landinglight and so on...) and it had a little fun and atmosphere, and i thank that this plane desserved some efforts, so, why not ;)  i have some ideas and perhaps more gadgets for next mods, who knows....  ;D

But, frankly i was more interested with new propeller (now, much bigger than Oleg's one) new reductor, litlle more torque, 2 stages, 2 speed compressor and so on.... i was not a great fan of this bird, but my good friend Obelix, at C6 requested one with more loadouts for one of his wonderfull campaigns. So, as i wanted to please him, i started to put some extra loadouts and , when reading flight manual, i found some interesting features on real plane, found also that Oleg's propeller was really ... small, too small. The first goal was to put a more accurate propeller, and i saw that it came with great problems, regarding torque, taxying and so on.... so it seems to me  interesting to see if it was possible to implement some dynamic  and real time gestion for torque and so on, after that came the automatic tail wheel lock  ecc..., just to test what i could do, i started to implement feature after feature...  And here is the result and the whole story. Happy if you find him usefull and appreciate new features....

Perhaps will we see now more planes of this kind... It is pretty easy for some features.

If someone want specific code for some, i'll give all what i did... all is free. But i am not a programmer and started recently learning little bit by myself. Just a little beginner, but, if i can help with my very tiny knoledge.... i 'll do.

Feel free to use in your own mod if interested ;)

No copyright for ideas .... lol


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Re: New F-51 From Josse at C6 Out Now!
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2009, 04:22:15 AM »

A wonderful plane, thank you!

BTW, this would be a little better weapons_ru entry for English speaking players, I think. Also adds some absent entries:

# F51
F51.default Defaut
F51.4x12.7 4x.50cal
F51.bidons 2x75 gal. Droptanks
F51.bidons+4x12.7 4x.50cal + 2x75 gal. Droptanks
F51.HVAR HVAR Rockets 
F51.bidons+HVAR HVAR Rockets + 2x75 gal. Droptanks
F51.500 2x500 lb. Bombs 
F51.500+4x12.7 4x.50cal + 2x500 lb. Bombs 
F51.500+HVAR 2x500 lb. Bombs + HVAR Rockets
F51.500+HVAR+4x12.7 4x.50cal + 2x500 lb. Bombs + HVAR Rockets
F51.1000 2x1000 lb. Bombs
F51.1000+4x12.7 4x.50cal + 2x1000 lb. Bombs
F51.napalm Napalm
F51.napalm+HVAR Napalm + HVAR Rockets
F51.napalm+HVAR+4x12.7 4x.50cal + Napalm + HVAR Rockets
F51.none Empty


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Re: New F-51 From Josse at C6 Out Now!
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2009, 04:01:10 PM »

Move stick forward to unlock tailwheel....


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Re: New F-51 From Josse at C6 Out Now!
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2009, 10:30:15 AM »

Yes, it is normal for the canopy...

For the trim :

1 - the engine as a little bit more torque, and a little bit "rudder blowing"... (don't know if it is the right term in english...)  so, you have to apply more compensation...

2 - trim work not excatly as the original one. The efficacity and range is not equal to thus of the rudder.... proportionally and for a same correction, you have to apply more trim. BTW, is it with 100% fuel , if it is the case, the CoG is heavily reared.... IRL, the trim was not enough to compensate all the CoG shifting... i tried to represent that, but, if you fly a sufficient long time, you will observe that you have to relax the trim with time.... as the CoG go to forward as the quantity of fuel in fuselage tank is less.... (don't know if i am very clear in english, sorry).

In fact, this FM is made in a new way...  new resized propeller, dynamical gestion of torque, CoG and so on , and it react differently as stock one.  Think that it give better accuracy for general flight behavior.... don't know what you all are thinking about that.

For the reticle, yes, it is surely possible. Just have to put old tgas related to gunsight in cockpit folder, i think.


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Re: F-51 Mustang
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2009, 11:21:55 PM »


This plane was mainly intended for ground attack, but have naturally air to air capabilities, like the mustang.

But, you have to keep in mind that  the normal max fuel is 75%
In fact,  100% fuel is an extra capability to use only for LLLLOOOOOOONNNNGGGGG escort missions. With this fuel setting, this plane is unstable and not so easy to fly due to the backward CoG. This Cog go better and better when you use fuselage tank fuel, as IRL. This setting cause also controls reversibility, so, after certain limits, the plane pull suddenly more and more G and go backward.... you just have to push the stick, or, at least  with a joystick, to relax him if you don't want to flipping stall... Also as IRL. You have also a flying surface compression when you outpass max speed... so, the plane behave stranglely  and you have to reduce speed quickly and to pull out very gently.

With 100% fuel and/or with 1000lbs bombs or fuel tank, it is only intendend for straight and level flight... no combat and you have to be gentle with the stick. But, when Cog has become better (75% or less) it is well maneuvrable.

Oh, be gentle too when pulling out at high speed.... Structural resistance is modelled depending of the groos weight of the moment and you can't pull 13.5 g any time as in original game ;) it can happen that you break your wing if you outpass the dynamical calculated limit.

SO, it is something new in the sim. This FM is slightly more advanced and dynamicaly managed on some aspects. WIth more torque and some new features, like, also, automatic tailwheel and so on.

It need a little bit more dedication and is perhaps not the first choice's plane for a beginner, but, i think that with a little training, it become very interesting to fly.


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Re: F-51 Mustang
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2011, 10:51:01 PM »

I get a message when I load to 100% in this plane in QMB or FMB:

Something like: "The file "ox234DKSNDO2W3" referenced memory at "oxEI39GB3UG4" this memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate the program."

Could be an error in the classfiles??

Please help I've always wanted to fly this aircraft


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Re: F-51 Mustang
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2011, 12:17:54 PM »

Please refer to the topic header of this board:
"Assume unmarked mods are for 4.09 only"

You didn't just try to update your 4.10.1 based game with this mod, did you?

Best regards - Mike
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Re: F-51 Mustang
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2011, 04:45:16 PM »

You didn't just try to update your 4.10.1 based game with this mod, did you?

oops... ok never mind ;D


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Re: F-51 Mustang
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2011, 11:17:40 PM »

Could you make it 4.10 flyable please?  :) ;) :D ;D 8) :P :P :P :P


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Re: F-51 Mustang
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2012, 06:37:16 PM »

wasnt there a jet version of this somewhere. sorry, thought this was the closest thing to it. not trying to change the subject. dont hurt me please   ??? :-[


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Re: F-51 Mustang
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2012, 01:20:29 AM »

There was a pulse-jet powered version but it has been removed at the request of the author. He left here and started his own site, Il-2 Freemodding, which you can find via Google and will have the aircraft you are looking for ;)
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