Name BOB_Redux_42_SAS
Short Defend the south coast of England from attack.


What if....

Germany knocks Russia out of the war in 1942 and the U.S. adopts a 'Japan First' policy for prosecuting the war, supplying England with far less aid.

Once agian, the Luftwaffe turns its attention towards England. This time they've learned from their mistakes; fighters will be equipped with drop tanks and by re-configuring existing equipment, four-engined bombers will conduct strategic bombing of targets vital to the British war effort.

Although outclassed by the FW190 and the newer Bf109's, the Spifire MkV remains the backbone of Fighter Command. The U.S. has supplied a number of P-39's and P-40's, but they are of limited value for high-altitude combat. The P-38 shows as an intercptor, but lacks maneuverability.

The MkIX variant of the Spit is beginning to show up and the new Mustang is showing great promise; it's very fast at low altitude but performance drops off at altitude. The RAF will try installing the Merlin in the hopes of improving all-round performance.

In a desperate attempt to tackle the massed formations of four-engined bombers, the Hurricane has been up-gunned. It hits hard but is vulnerable to the new German fighters. There are also cannon-armed Spits in the pipeline, but only a few at the moment.


Intercept enemy aircraft approaching the area between Southhampton and Portsmouth.

Spawn bases at Middle Wallop and Tangmere. All red bases have RRR.

Good hunting!