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Author Topic: Is there a way to change the ice? ~SOLVED  (Read 6703 times)

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Is there a way to change the ice? ~SOLVED
« on: October 23, 2010, 08:59:58 AM »

I would like to know if there is a way to change the texture of ice on the rivers. Actually I've never seen anybody doing it (maybe because it's not possible).
I'm not a big fan of how it looks like right now.

If it's possible I would like to know how so I can give it a try to create something like this.

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Re: Is there a way to change the ice?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2010, 09:09:40 AM »

I was toying with the idea of turning a ground plate into broken pack ice using images from google earth to create the texture and having spaces between the ice as transparent so that the water was visible....trouble is this would mean laying down pack ice as objects rather than just a texture and crashing aircraft would explode on impact rather than create a water splash...so not very realistic and it could take an enormous amount of ground plates to cover a river or coastline....we do need something more realistic though for ice.


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Re: Is there a way to change the ice?
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2010, 09:18:37 AM »

Well, I want it just as a replacement for the ice texture we have now. Which doesn't behave realistic by the way. As a plane crashes on it or a bomb explodes on ice you see black smoke etc. but no cracking ice and no water splash. But that must have something to do with the limitations of the game I think. (hopefully Oleg will change that in SOW...)
So the river ice I want to change is just eyecandy. I accept the unnatural behaviour.  ;)
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Re: Is there a way to change the ice?
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2010, 11:33:28 AM »

Guys It will helped you if i upload some High Quality Snow Textures that i have?


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Re: Is there a way to change the ice?
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2010, 12:05:28 PM »

Guys It will helped you if i upload some High Quality Snow Textures that i have?

Thanx for the offer but first I want to know if it's possible to change the ice texture or not and how. I thought it worked the same way as with replacing map textures by changing the lines in the load.ini etc. But it doesn't for some reason...

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Re: Is there a way to change the ice?
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2010, 09:55:25 AM »

Thanks Uufflakke for pointing me here.

This I am just re-posting as it is relevant.
How about something like this?

I know the colours shift when you make them TGA, but this is less wrinkly looking. Reposted from Afrika thread but if it is of use, feel free. Just thought I'd try.



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Re: Is there a way to change the ice?
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2010, 10:48:53 AM »

Thanks Triad.
I do have a nice ice flee texture already which you can find on the retextures Murmansk map by Gilb57. But he uses it as a regular land texture and not as a replacement for the current ice texture on rivers.
I really would like to know how to replace it. So I can achieve something like this for winter maps (I shopped Gilb's texture in on the Stalingrad map...)

I thought it should be easy by putting this .tga in the _Tex/water folder, just as the path describes in the load.ini. That's the way it works with land textures all the time.
But whatever I try nothing seems to work. So if you have got the key to reveal this mistery I would be very happy.  ;)
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Re: Is there a way to change the ice?
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2010, 10:51:45 AM »

Guys It will helped you if i upload some High Quality Snow Textures that i have?

would really, please go ahead, Cratzy!


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Re: Is there a way to change the ice?
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2010, 08:53:22 PM »

Uufflakke Check this Textures mate, I think is what you want !




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Re: Is there a way to change the ice?
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2010, 11:44:05 PM »

Doesn't this involve repainting map_t?

I really don't know...
I thought it was just a matter of changing the line in the load.ini:
Water    = water/Waterice.tga
Water0 = water/water.tga
Water1 = water/water.tga
or swapping the file in _Tex/Water folder. But that doesn't seem to be the case, whatever combination I try.  :(

@5./JG54_s0crazty: thanks for the ice textures. Maybe it will be of use if I will ever know how to change the default texture.  ;)
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Re: Is there a way to change the ice?
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2010, 08:22:47 AM »

Changing the lines in "Water" line in load.ini, would get you just water with another look. Thats because water texture is animate, and any texture that you put there will be animated. So, there is no animated floating ice possible in IL2

For changing some part of the river or sea to solid ice you have to change map_c like this:

1. In map_c change black to white where you want your solid ice to be.
2. In map_t paint on the rivers RGB value "0". That the value for the line: "LowLand0" in load.ini file.
3. In your load.ini file put ice texture in "LowLand0" line. Like this:

LowLand0 = Solid_Ice
LowLand1 =
LowLand2 =
LowLand3 =

In this way you would have:

Rivers with water, but the banks would be with your ice texture, and on areas of the rivers (and that also could be the whole river if you wish to do that) where you changed black to white in map_c you will have ice texture that will look like frozen river.

That ice, while it is actually land can also be made navigable for the boats if you mark that area as water in "ed_map_t.tga" (but that also depends on altitude and flatness of those areas).

That should look like that Murmansk map. If I understood you correctly at first place  :)


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Re: Is there a way to change the ice?
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2010, 08:33:51 AM »

I was toying with the idea of turning a ground plate into broken pack ice using images from google earth to create the texture and having spaces between the ice as transparent so that the water was visible....trouble is this would mean laying down pack ice as objects rather than just a texture and crashing aircraft would explode on impact rather than create a water splash...so not very realistic and it could take an enormous amount of ground plates to cover a river or coastline....we do need something more realistic though for ice.

This is possible with textures. You don't need objects. Make texture of the ice with alpha channel (as you think of it). Put that texture in the line of load.ini file that have the biggest RGB value. Maybe airfield3 or WOOD. And than paint it in map_t. Should work. Or you can put it in "Water2" (thats "shallow water" line) in that way you will have something like animated ice.

Bad thing is that IL2 engine don't likes alpha channel on map textures too much.
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