Okey guys , lot of people ask for my help about how to starting a youtube movie ,this is a very basic guide to take you through the technical set up to get a video captured from a game and produce an edited movie. I will keep it to the basics for this guide and stick to one process, the process that I currently use for my own movies. These concepts can be transferred to any setup.
You will need FRAPS to capture the game footage, VirtualDub for pre and post processing and a non linear editor - in my case I am using Sony Vegas 9 . Codecs I am using are DivX and HuffyUV codec.
1) Set up your game, IL2, to 1024x768 resolution (or as high as you can make it and still Frap without stutters ,i use 1680x1050).
Set up Fraps as shown, and capture your raw footage.

Open the frapped video in VirtualDub.
Click on 'Audio' and select 'No Audio'.
Click on ˜Video', then ˜Frame Rate'.
Select ˜Change to' and type in ˜24'.
Click ˜Video', then Compression'
Select ˜HuffyUV 2.1.1' then press ˜OK'
Drag the slider to frame 12 and press the ˜mark-in' button, then drag to frame 130 and press the ˜mark-out' button.

Click ˜File' then ˜Save As' and save the file as ˜blabla clip - HuffyUV.avi'
2 ) Start Sony Vegas.Click ˜File' then ˜Properties' and enter all the settings shown below. Save this setup for future use by pressing the disk icon.

Drop the clip ˜blabla clip - HuffyUV.avi' into the first video track.
Click the Event Pan/Crop icon in the clip, then right click on the preview in the Event Pan/Crop window and select ˜Match Output Aspect' (you can do a lot more creative camera work with this window) Close the Event Pan/Crop window.or see the image above!

You can then add any more raw video captures but for this guide we are keeping it very basic with just one clip.
Drop some music into the first audio track and change the duration to match the video clip. Add fades at the start and end of the video and music track.
3 ) After your project is finished Click ˜File', then ˜Render As'.The first time you do this you need to set up the render settings and save them. For subsequent renders you just use the saved settings (See foto). To get a clean template, open the Template drop down menu and select ˜Default Template'.
Click ˜Custom', then click the ˜Video' tab and enter all the settings shown below (Also click " PROJECT " and set video Rendering Quality To the "BEST"). Save this setup by giving it a name and pressing the disk icon.

Press OK, make the File name ˜Test' and press ˜Save'.
IMPORTANT : THIS SETTINGS ARE FOR HD 1080x720 the highest resolution for youtube
NOTE : useful Tools and downloads1) To get VirtualDub :
http://virtualdub.sourceforge.net/ ( and hit this List download mirrors for V1.9.9 (32-bit) release build (VirtualDub-1.9.9.zip) )
2) FRAPS :
http://www.fraps.com/download.php3) HuffYUV :
http://www.free-codecs.com/download/HuffYUV.htmFor clear smooth Recorded clips the best solution is to record your clips with TrackIr and set it to smooth sensitivity!
Hope to See new movies From new Movie makers

ps : If you cant see clear the Pictures click on the image and go right to the Imageshack panel and get the Original Picture from the "Direct link" or ctrl (+) (-) zoom in , zoom out in firefox
