Flyable Cockpits for all Dakota Variants by Ranwers, incl Li2 Gunner
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Updated to v2.1, and now also includes Li2 gunner position by Peacelovinghippy)This is based around the excellent C47 cockpit by Ranwers. This version creates a seperation from the B24 cockpits folder, thereby avoiding any possible conflicts.
This SAS version
also makes the Li2 and L2D flyable , albeit with the same english cockpit (for now)
If using this mod in conjunction with SAS buttons, you wil also enjoy continiously improved flightmodels of these.
Instal by placing the folder "Cockpit Dakotas" in your MODS folder.No additional steps required, BUT, make sure all previous versins of these are removed from your Mods and Files folders.To do this, search these folders (MODS and FILES) for files bearing the same names as the hashed files in this mod (The 7 files with the weird number and letter names and no extentions, like " 69D7EA966869F1DC " )
This Mod was made by Ranwers, and this specific version's classfiles by CirX
Download Dakotas_SAS_Ranwers_v2.1plusAlso, if you use this mod, we HIGHLY reccomend that you also download and install Wolfighter's beautifull 3d updates for these planes, here:,58.0.htmlS!

Edit Gerax 20-11-15: for
realistic navigation mode in this cockpits
see Tarakans reply #20 and dl link reply #25.