Great area mate!!!
You filled a really vital gap!!!
Thanks for share!!!
All the best!
Yes, this area definately needed to be mapped but I didn't see anyone else stepping up to do it, not even our gracious agracier. But even agracier declined to do it because of the way the mountains looked. By the way agracier, if you're reading this, thanks for bowing out and giving me the job of making this map. I really enjoyed making it and learning about all the little places people generally glance over. To me, it's more personal knowing I was involved in each of those places and knowing every detail about it. It's also personal because I have such a great interest in this theater of the war and in this particular region. I felt like I've been drawn by some unseen force to have this interest and to make this map.
***I'd like to dedicate this map to Russia's Mikhail Gorbachev and to all those who were involved in the war in this part of Russia. Gorbachev was a young boy at that time living in the area just north of the map's northern border. I salute Gorbachev for his brave role in history and for his love for humanity.***
I'd like to say thank you to everyone for the praise I've received. You're very welcome.
Uufflakke, thanks for posting the winter screenies because I didn't show any. Now others can get a taste of the winter map.
WhoDatNotSayin, I'd be really surprised to get a note from that ministry haha! But you know IL2 has its height limitations so unfortunately Mt. Elbrus is chopped off. It's a big mountain either way you look at it!

Checkyersix, I did best I could on mountain roads. Levelling the road base would be a very difficult job on map_H so that's why you'll see sharp inclines etc. in some places.
LeOne, my front line markers disappeared after I reworked the map_c to make it better for Excellent settings. You might want to check the front lines in your missions.