Right Gentlemen, it gives me the greatest pleasure of my IL2 modding career to present to you all the greatest fear axis shipping encountered.
Mosquito TseTse
The Mosquito FB XVIII TseTse by the SAS_____________________________________
Interesting sites:http://www.quarry.nildram.co.uk/Molins.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Havilland_Mosquito---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Made using original Stock Mosquito Meshes and Classes from 1C as base
S! to the creators of IL2!
Also using fueltank meshes from old AAA team new slot mosquitos as starting base
Features and Requirements:~Molins 57mm cannon, in Armour Piercing, High Explosive, or Mixed loadouts, with 23 rounds, with animated recoil.
~2 or 4 .303mg loadout options (MG's affected dissapear in game when needed. Racks and MG's if deselected in arming, will still apear in arming screen, but be gone in the game itself)
~New FM (requires SAS buttons 7.41 or later)
~Skinpack Included
~New Gunsight Reticles for use with Molins Cannon
SAS Credits:Howlin:
Project leader and researcher
New Flightmodel (requires SAS Buttons 7.4 or later)
Classfiles except Molins, and version managing
Reticles for TseTse based on work of NonWonderDog.
Propmesh texture fix and Overlay (markings) edits on meshes, Multi Paintscheme edit
Hier file edits, Set bay door fixed
New MG barrels to outer MG slots, removable, corrected MG Hooks
air.ini, plane and weapons text entries & mod packaging
Made bulge and Cannon Barrel Meshes
Mapping of Cannon blister to match aircraft skin underside (indicate map area on skin included)
Edited CF_ 3d for cannon barrel entrance hole and removal of outer MG barrels.
Made new default skin for mapping help.
New Main Wheel meshes
Added new psd skinning template (see "skins & templates" incl in download)
Molins gun classes and performance, shell and magazine capacity research
New Skinmap for CannonBarrel
New TGA skins for droptanks
New default & option skins for plane (see "skins & templates" incl in download)
Shadowmesh fixes for Propellors
LOD overview and fixes
Recoil code fixes and debugging
Beta Testing:
SAS team
Download SAS Mozzi TseTse v1.1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
air.ini:MosquitoFBMkXVIII air.MOSQUITOtsts 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
plane_ru:MosquitoFBMkXVIII Mosquito "TseTse" FB.MK. XVIII, 1944
# MosquitoFBMkXVIII
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.default Default
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.default_HE Default HE Loadout
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.default_MIX Default Mixed Loadout
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.DropTanks 2x 100gal Droptanks
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.DropTanks_HE 2x 100gal Droptanks +HE
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.DropTanks_MIX 2x 100gal Droptanks +Mix
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.2x250 2x 250lbs Bombs
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.2x250_HE 2x 250lbs Bombs +HE
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.2x250_MIX 2x 250lbs Bombs +Mix
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.2x500 2x 500lbs Bombs
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.2x500_HE 2x 500lbs Bombs +HE
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.2x500_MIX 2x 500lbs Bombs +Mix
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.Less_MG 2x MG's
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.Less_MG_HE 2x MG's +HE
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.Less_MG_MIX 2x MG's +Mix
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.Less_MG_DropTanks 2x MG's 2x Droptanks
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.Less_MG_DropTanks_HE 2x MG's 2x Droptanks +HE
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.Less_MG_DropTanks_MIX 2x MG's 2x Droptanks +Mix
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.L2x250 2x MG's 2x 250lbs Bombs
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.L2x250_HE 2x MG's 2x 250lbs Bombs +HE
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.L2x250_MIX 2x MG's 2x 250lbs Bombs +Mix
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.L2x500 2x MG's 2x 500lbs Bombs
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.L2x500_HE 2x MG's 2x 500lbs Bombs +HE
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.L2x500_MIX 2x MG's 2x 500lbs Bombs +Mix
MosquitoFBMkXVIII.None Empty