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Author Topic: Mosquito TseTse  (Read 39788 times)

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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #48 on: November 16, 2010, 06:17:50 AM »

the tse tse did not have rockets, they used to send out mixed flights with molins armed mossies, and rocket armed mossies,
as well as Mossies acting as fighter escorts.... I think we can recreate that scenario now ... time for the mission builders to get to work  ;)
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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #49 on: November 16, 2010, 06:18:08 AM »

Well the de havilland book i own, plus war time production footage on the mossie, and technical drawing on the Tse Tse all state it didnt carry rockets, think about it, the weight would just be too intense, also if it did carry rockets surly then it would of been the definitive version instead of it being replaced by the rocket carrying version.
Also going back to the weight issue, mossie was reported to be rather agile, and quick, stick a neigh on a ton of gun in the nose, add armour, then try and add rockets and it would just be too much for the aircraft to bear, would be too fat and heavy to be combat efficient.


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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2010, 06:22:54 AM »

Hell if you can find some reliable sources with photographic proof of it carrying rockets then hell yeah we will add them, just we didnt want to lean too far off the historic path with this one, we kinda did that already by giving you AP/HE and mixed loadouts for a more varied ground pounding experiance, i felt that adding the rockets would just make it that little be too ''ubber'' in a ground pounding sense.

{Edit}The problem i find with the internet is if you look hard enough andlong enough eventually you will find what you what, hell im certain if i spent enough time looking i could find some refferance to a mossie tsetse carrying an 88mm, see what i mean, anybody, can write what they want, but since its a game and what not, we will take it with a pinch of salt, currently discussing the possibilty of adding rockets, along with the possibility of adding depth charges to the underwing pylons, if anybody can find photgraphic evidence, or more then just a few rather sketchy sources with the loadout options desired, then we will consider adding them. Can't promise you anything though, also keep up the shoutouts on how you guys are doing sinking the cargo ships and subs. also try it out on other targets, be good to hear feedback.


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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #51 on: November 16, 2010, 06:50:20 AM »

Ive been away from SAS for a while, and come back to this!!

Can I just say WOOOO HOOO!!!!!  and thanks!!!


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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #52 on: November 16, 2010, 07:23:05 AM »

Well the de havilland book i own, plus war time production footage on the mossie, and technical drawing on the Tse Tse all state it didnt carry rockets, think about it, the weight would just be too intense, also if it did carry rockets surly then it would of been the definitive version instead of it being replaced by the rocket carrying version.

I'm not saying that I know for a fact, after all I just did a quick check on the internet but I find the weight argument not that convincing!

Think about it: We can take 2 500lbs bombs = 1000lbs of bombs with the TseTse...

So why should 8 60lbs rockets (= 660lbs [60 lbs warhead + 22lbs for the rocket] + a few lbs for the racks) create an issue?

Again, I'm not saying that I'm right or have better sources than you but given that the XVIII was a Coastal Command modification of the VI which could very well carry rockets I dont see a reason it should not be able


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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #53 on: November 16, 2010, 07:29:20 AM »

Wow guys you never cease to amaze me !!

Huge Thanks
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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #54 on: November 16, 2010, 07:33:40 AM »

Those racks were MUCH heavier that 50lbs, can't remember where I read it (possibly in the pylon weight thread somewhere here) but I think it was closer to 200lbs per rack. They were rediculously heavy to begin with before being redesigned and made out of aluminium. Plus there was the drag penalty that these racks had due to their non-aerodynamic design. Still though a fair point about the weight but think end of the day it came down the aircrafts purpose. The Molins cannon was supposed to overcome the accuracy issues of rockets and kinda seems counter intuitive to add rockets to an aircraft that is supposed to prove they aren't needed :P


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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #55 on: November 16, 2010, 07:53:26 AM »

Hi Karaya

As I said, we researched it exhaustively, and found no evidence of rockets being fitted to the TseTse.

Also the ammo loadout in that source is wrong, the actualy loadout was not 25 rounds, it was 23.

The Molins Gun, which was technically known to the RAF as the "QF 6pdr Class M Mark I with Auto Loader Mk III" was based on the long-barrelled (50 calibre) gun. The gun weighed 487 kg (635 kg with autoloader) and was fully automatic, with a rate of fire of about 55 rounds per minute. The ammunition supply in the autoloader consisted of 21 rounds, held in five racks of unequal length, plus two additional rounds in the feedway. The rounds in each rack were fed by a combination of gravity and a spring-loaded arm and each rack was moved into place in turn by an electric motor.

But this is a game, and we are here to enjoy it. So we for now think we want to leave this more historical Mozzi as is, but, if you want to do all the members a favour and make a new slot for a (semi-)fictional rocket armed TseTse, we would be more than happy with that. :D

Go for it.


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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #56 on: November 16, 2010, 10:21:01 AM »

Thank you to all involved in creating this fantastic mod.  :)

Much appreciated,



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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #57 on: November 16, 2010, 10:38:33 AM »

A big round of applause to all the fine Mod artists involved in this great project!!
It´s BEAUTIFUL !! ...  and packs a big punch too. Defenitly Rocks teh Il-2 skies!  8)

BIG CHEERS TO ALL!! Congratulations!!

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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #58 on: November 16, 2010, 11:09:31 AM »

Ok guys, here's the rocket capable version of the FB Mk.XVIII in a new slot. I had to remake this from scratch for a SAS release and have put this together in sort of a hurry, so dont blame me if your computer explodes in your face!

Please report back if any problems arise with this new slot!

PS: Filefront and Mediafire are giving me I/O server errors so I'm out of ideas as to where I should upload the Mossie...


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Re: Mosquito TseTse
« Reply #59 on: November 16, 2010, 11:37:21 AM »

give it a day. People have waited for near on a year for this mod, they can way surely for another day for the next slot of it :)

If by tomorrow you still have trouble, email it to me, Ill upload it here (you can do that anyway, but I may only be able to upload it tomorrow, tonight I have to go mod my wife... :D )
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