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Author Topic: North Sea 0.5beta  (Read 53949 times)

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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #96 on: December 01, 2019, 10:51:51 AM »

There is one Würzburg Riese Radar Station model finished here on SAS: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,53562.0.html


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #97 on: December 01, 2019, 10:59:27 AM »

@ Kukulo

Thank you for the information. I will check this object.


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #98 on: December 01, 2019, 11:20:13 AM »

Keep it up! If you manage to pull it off, and make this HUGE map playable, then you ought to have a medal of sorts. Very tricky to build, IMHO, but with a HUGE mission building potential!  :)
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #99 on: December 01, 2019, 03:06:55 PM »

... Very tricky to build ....

The squirrel has a hard time feeding itself.  :D

The only thing I'm worried about at the moment is the 1000 km limit in Full Mission Builder>o_O
I hope that someone there will find a solution in the foreseeable future. At the moment there is
still a lot of preparation work. I still have to collect the data of the airfields. In Wikipedia I have
found a List of Royal Airforce Stations>>.
This will help me a lot. According to my calculation, about 100 airfields will be on the entire map.

Creating the airfields will cost the most time. It is true that each nation has its own
airfield system with recurring structures in the form of buildings, parking lots, layout
of runways, etc. However, each airfield is unique in itself.

One thing that will help me is the Visible blank plates MOD.

My plan looks like this:
I will take the historical aerial photos of the airfields and will include them in the maps
of Google Maps. In Photoshop, I have to distort the aerial photographs a bit, since
they were not shot exactly from a 90 degree angle.

From the graphics of the revised aerial photographs, which now also have a correct
traceable scale, I create with the help of the "Visible blank plates MOD" plates, which
I can then insert into the map. I can now insert exactly the buildings, parking spaces
etc. on the meter. Finally, I will cut out the Plates over the Alpha Layer so that only
the runways remain.

With this method, I can work very accurately and quickly.  ]cyclops[

The Project Northsea Overview map has a new update:



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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #100 on: December 08, 2019, 04:58:16 PM »

Today I have written to Marcost. He is working on excellent textures (4096 pixel).
Looks like this:

I hope I can use his textures. They go very well with the project Nord See.

Link to Marcosts HD texture project


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #101 on: December 14, 2019, 07:24:02 AM »

It promises to be very interesting.
It will be possible to use this map for the Cold War period, spy flights from Great Britain to the Baltic Sea, to communist Poland, Eastern Germany and the Kaliningrad Oblast of the USSR, and vice versa.


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #102 on: December 14, 2019, 01:55:46 PM »

Hi Seb

Yes, indeed. When researching the historical airfields, I also get a lot of information about the Cold War. So it would be possible to develop an exclusive map collection of the North Sea especially for the Cold War. Shortly after the war, many airfields were converted for turbine-powered aircraft. The runways were getting longer. Additional buildings and hangars were built.


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #103 on: December 21, 2019, 04:23:11 PM »

New information for the North Sea project: For a historically correct map, I use old army
maps from World War II. So far I have used maps with a scale of 1 in 250,000. I have
received new information in the past few days. Enclosed, I also received information
about maps from World War II on a scale of 1 in 100,000, which is a major improvement.

This means:

The entire North Sea map will be based on historical maps with a scale of 1 in 100,000.  8)

A big thank you to _1SMV_Gitano

For these cards I also have more detailed information about the quality of the display.

Example Maps of France
Aproximatly 5 % of the map area is revised from 1943 aerial photography of the U.S. Air Force.
The original french sources were mosaicked together to serve as a base of the compilation.

Here is a reduced size map area of France (Original Size: 7103 x 5405 pixels.)

The use of historical map material is important, as sections of the arts change over time,
the forests and rivers change a little here and there and the cities sometimes become
significantly larger in the post-war period. As a basis, I still use current computer-generated
map material, because this is the most accurate copy with the satellite data. The historical
maps are then graphically laid over and in some cases have to be adjusted a little. The
cartography of the time was good, but there are slight differences here and there.

Airfield found

Source: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.phptopic,62979.0.html

With Air Station Ford, a new airfield for the North Sea map was discovered.
At the same time, I received new information about the British RAF chaine home radar system.



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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #104 on: December 21, 2019, 06:12:29 PM »

The only thing I'm worried about at the moment is the 1000 km limit in Full Mission Builder>o_O

Not being a mapmaker this is simply from a very ooold mission trick from long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away - AAA or AAS site if I recall correctly.

Can you build the map in which the top right corner maxes out to the 1,000km and the bottom left could be -1,000km? The mission trick I referred to above is that you could manually adjust your flight start points to include negative numbers.

For instance: I want to start my flight (and, of course, it has to be flying start!) 50km west of the edge of the map and 100km up from the bottom. I would take the very first normfly waypoint and place these numbers in it: "NORMFLY -50000.00 100000.00 500.00 300.00 &0"

Taking this a step further I want to start 50km west and 35km south of the bottom corner of the map. Now you would change both numbers to "NORMFLY -50000.00 -35000.00 500.00 300.00 &0"

I've used this trick for longer missions on small maps and I must say, you need some nav skills when you're flying in a crosswind and aiming for a corner of the map; any small error and you could miss the map entirely or finally make a correction and end up coming onto the map at a totally unexpected place. I speak from experience here.

Again, just thoughts for what they're worth.


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #105 on: December 22, 2019, 10:00:31 AM »

The textures you intend to use look superb, they will certainly enhance the attention to detail you are putting into the map.  8)

Be careful not to get too involved in research, it can be more interesting than the actual project itself as you become totally
immersed in the history, so much of that within the boundaries of this map at that time and if you cover the Cold War as well
you might never finish. ;)

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #106 on: December 29, 2019, 12:42:24 PM »

At the moment I can only prepare the map by creating map_c. Working on the flight
sim is currently not possible because I have problems with my DVD drive. Since my
laptop only has 2 USB slots, I had to buy an USB expansion with 7 slots. The USB
mouse works, the USB WiFi stick works, I can also connect the DVD drive, it also
appears in Windows Exlorer, but it does not recognize the DVD. At first I thought
it was because of the IL-2 DVDs, but the drive doesn't recognize all the other DVDs
either. I will soon test the DVD drive with a colleague. Either a USB slot on the laptop
is defective or the drive has been damaged when moving to the new house and
needs to be replaced.  :-X

What I've seen of Marcost's textures gives me the impression that they work very
well with the IL-2 engine. On the one hand, the textures are really very detailed.
On the other hand, the textures are without strongly contrasting colors. This greatly
reduces the pattern effect and does not create this "mushy" effect in the distance,
where strongly contrasting colors blur into each other. The very first cards in IL-2
were all green, which will get boring over time. The art is to prepare the textures
graphically, so that there is no boredom for the eye and that the eye is not clouded
by the unreal-looking, muddy running of the colors into each other.

Something that will work very good with the North Sea map will be the Corvette and Escort pack
made by gio963tto.

Link to the project on SAS>



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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #107 on: December 29, 2019, 01:54:41 PM »

 I see an expansion of the WWI maps to include the Marne, Lorraine Alsace and Rhine Valley growing out of this.  Thank you for your work as of present. 
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