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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #72 on: November 17, 2017, 05:08:48 PM »

new dl link in first post.
i7-13700K, MSI RTX4090, Kingston 64GB, Asus Z790-P, Crucial SSD 1TB, Kingston SSD 4TB;


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #73 on: November 18, 2017, 01:54:57 PM »

new dl link in first post.

Thank you !


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #74 on: November 19, 2017, 12:33:27 AM »

Thanks a bunch Gerax, you're the personalized backup of all D/L links 8)
Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #75 on: October 04, 2019, 03:01:06 PM »

"Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.
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 :D ja neh is klar. oO(Roger that)

First thing: I am not here as I/JG27_Waggel anymore because I left the squad. The reason was that I did not have the time to fly in a professional squad the last years.

At the moment I'm in a move to a new house again and I wanted to deal with Flight Sims again in the future. IL-2 1946 is still my thing, because here I can let off steam the best.

At the moment I'm planning to update the textures of the North Sea map. These should be brought to 2048 pixels. After moving I want to invest in a new computer with a larger screen.

As far as I remember, the North Sea map was stable and there were no bugs. If any of you find bugs or texture mistakes or have suggestions, you can post them here.

Thanks for keeping up a working download link.

Some will wonder, why is the North Sea map still WIP. As far back as I can remember, some cities were not yet stocked with objects. Furthermore, there are still some airports missing. Overall, the map is in a state that you can fly on it without problems.


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #76 on: October 04, 2019, 05:16:58 PM »

You're gonna work on the map again? That's good news ;D
His Fishyyyness


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #77 on: October 07, 2019, 12:51:11 PM »

Hi Fishyyy

Yes, I want to push the map into alpha status. I think that's what this map deserves.
The last work on the map has been some time ago and I have to think and read
into the project again. Maybe there are now some new mods that I can insert into
the North Sea map.



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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #78 on: October 21, 2019, 03:18:53 PM »

At the moment I am reading through the modding stuff. Want to get old stuff back into my brain.
Secondly there are some new things out (bigger textures etc.)

In the past I made some tests with bigger north sea maps.
The hardware setup of my Computer was this back than:

4 GB Ram
1GB graphic card

This worked well with the blue map. No issues. Big bomber formations. Many planes. System was stable.

Today a lot of gamers have computers with this setup

4 Ghz CPU
8-16 GB Ram
1 TB HD and 500 GB (SSD)
4 GB graphic card

So my goal is to make a very big map (green part on the picture)

Ok  ;D

You may now think Wa99el became crazy.



Making cities will not take ages. Today we have auto pop apps.
I hope our computers will work with this map.
A big thing will be to create the airfields.
I think this will take the most time in this projekt.

What can we do with this map historical?
A little bit Norway 1940
Westfeldzug 1940
Dünkirchen 1940
Battle of Britain 1940-1941
1942 Cerberus
1942 Dieppe Raid
1943-1945 The allied Bomber Offensive (Hamburg, Berlin, Köln, Schweinfurt, Frankfurt, Ruhrgebiet .........)
Normandy 1944
Market Garden
Battle of the Bulge 44/45
Ruhrkessel 1945

But before I go crazy I will finish the small northsea map.
There will be a big texture offensive. I want to rework the
textures of the objects and fields.

After this the great northseamap will follow.



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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #79 on: October 22, 2019, 06:41:13 AM »

Downloaded and installed from the latest links, all working fine for me, thank you very much, really appreciated. 8)

I like the idea of the big map because I live near to Liverpool and Manchester and the region has many historical connections to aviation
history so it would be great to see some of that added. ;)

A few notes on the above:

I live near to Warton airfield, now the home of Bae builder of Typhoons, in WWII the US trained their bomber crews at this airfield.

Blackpool Squires gate was used to defend the North West of England from Luftwaffe attacks.

In my home City of Preston aircraft such as the Hampden and others were constructed and flown from the nearby Samlesbury airfield.

Flying boats of all types were manufactured along the coast and also in Belfast.

Talking of Ireland, Northern Ireland was a base for many Atlantic patrol aircraft as well as aircraft manufacture.

The Republic of Ireland has had a Air Force since 1922 and during the war years intercepted many Luftwaffe and R.A.F. aircraft that
had lost their way to airfields in the area where they were impounded and some put into service.

So as you see besides your own list of possibilities more to play with for the campaign/mission builder. 8)

I have thought of doing Ireland and the rest of the UK myself, still on the to do list so even more reason to see you take this on.

Would the area be too big is the question I guess?

Anyway, I look forward to seeing what comes of things.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #80 on: October 22, 2019, 10:24:02 AM »

At the moment I am working on the coast lines of the stream data made with microdem. Last week I was near to the
channel working at the coast line of Portsmouth dockyard. With the help of satellite data it is possible to work out
the harbor shape exactly. It is also possible to determine the position of the rivers. Because the riverbed is
recognizable on the satellite data.

This week I am in the region Blackpool, Leeds, Liverpool and Sheffield. You say you live next to Warton Airfield.
This is exactly in the area of the map where I am currently working. Warton Airfield is between Blackpool and Liverpool.
And Wikipedia has some informations about this airfield.
That's what I call an absolutely positive coincidence.

Well I know that there was this airfield and I even know what that airfield looked like at the time.
Because at Wikipedia there is a historical aerial photo of the airfield.

Next I will write down this airfield in my "Project North Sea" .doc with all the information I get.
After that I can screenshot from Google Maps a current satellite photo and in this photo the old
photo is inserted. This is the optimal condition for a texture, which I then insert into the map to
build the airfield on this basis.

This will look like this:

video example

The airfields in England often have the same structure in the form of hangars, sheds,
air towers, runways and parking lots. CanonUK has already designed these structures
for his map. That means less work for me.

Ireland and northern ireland will be on the map too and a good part of the atlantic.
The reason for this is the operation of the RAF in form of Atlantic patrols.
Incoming convoys had to be protected from German U-boats.



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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #81 on: October 22, 2019, 12:43:14 PM »

Home sweet home Wa99el. ;)

The airfields should be well covered in various media so there should not be a problem for you finding information.

I have seen your video before on construction in the FMB, very involved, I just used a few runways in the projects I did, never managed to figure out
exactly how you sized a texture to a specific area of a map so you could add a photograph to aid construction. :-[

My earliest projects in gmax involved making runway plates from the instructions in the KevinP PDFs, if I had had more experience of that medium at the
time I might have built complete airfields for the Vietnam map. :D

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #82 on: October 22, 2019, 01:05:03 PM »

So my goal is to make a very big map (green part on the picture)

Ok  ;D

You may now think Wa99el became crazy.

A monster map. This will be 1:1 scale?

I have tested some big maps in IL-2 and realized that big maps with populated cities are perfectly possible and have no impact to game performance. The problem lies in densely populated cities, with huge amounts of objects in a small area, when you fly over these areas you note a dramatic drop in FPS rate. So, if your map have cities with reasonable density of objects, they can be a continental area, 1000 x 1000 km, with a plenty of cities and yet it will run well. The real matter is density of objects, not the size of map.

However, more than 1000 x 1000 km maps have another problem. When I have made the experiments, FMB can't write waypoints with more than 6 digit coordinates, so only the piece of map starting at 0,0 coordinates until 1000k x 1000k will be usable for missions. This issue can be adressed in later patches or community mod packs, but i need to confirm this.


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Re: North Sea 0.5beta
« Reply #83 on: October 22, 2019, 01:49:59 PM »

@ Alex 840:

I've also made the experience that big cities do not make any problem regarding the FPS rate, if you build them with fewer objects. For example, there are blocks of houses with several houses as a single object. The typical British terraced houses were made by CanonUK in this fashion and also the streets in France. For the Netherlands and Germany I simply copied the 3D files of the French rows of houses and then created Dutch and German textures.

The information with the 1000 x 1000 km map as provisional maximum is new to me. I will first create a map. This will be approximately the size of 2000 km x 1340 km. Then I will build 2 or 3 airports, so that you can test the waypoints in the FMB. If creating waypoints is problematic, and there is no way to fix the problem, I'll need to divide the map into 2 parts.  :(

You may need to insert changed parameters in the programming code of the simulation somewhere. It was similar to the textures for the objects. 1024 x 1024 pixels was the maximum. The programming code has been changed. Now you can create textures up to 4096 x 4096 pixels.

@ Mission_bug:

I think it will not be a problem to give the airfield its character, so that you can easily recognize it again. From the current satellite recordings I can see a lot of things from the past. Meanwhile, I have a little experience with such a thing. You can tell from a hangar that it's a typical T1 hangar, etc.

The simulation certainly has its limits. But if you work hard, you can work very close to these limits.

I copy map sections from Google maps. I then position these on the satelite map, so that the rivers and shorelines harmonize.

Now I can work the coastline and the rivers exactly into the Map_c.

Well I have the big contours of the rivers right in the riverbed, where they have to be. Later I will brush with a hard 2 pixel brush the branches of the rivers. Less than 2 pixels is problematic. Sturmovik usually does not recognize 1 pixel lines very well.
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