textures slots in load.ini are irrelevant. What is relevant is RGB values for map T. Those values needs to be added and coded somewhere before we could use them. New values must be added, I'm not sure that is possible.
Just doubling slots in load.ini would do nothing. Even the names of the slots (Lowland, Midland . . . ) are not important, only RGB values in map T are.
Yea i know that. The load.ini is just a textual equivalent of the rgb values in map-T. But i use the load.ini exemple to make the conversation understandable for all here, even those who never create a map.
I was wondering to see what is the result if i add rgb values on map__t and then create a new slot. Would it be enough to then paint the map using this new textures. Does it need to be coded somewhere else to work. I guess so. Does it have an impact in how the engine deals with the memory used for the map....
I think so. I will give it a try tomorrow.
The thing is MTO repaint is pissing me off. I remade it 3 times cause i was unsatisfied by the desert rendering. Now it's fine, the best desert i have ever seen but this as a cost:
to make the desert as nice as possible i used all the textures slots...so i will have to sacrifice the Crete part. It will looks like a desert and not like Crete. It's not so important as the map isn't accurate and because we are lucky tu have Viking's Crete, but point the fact that we need more textures slots.
How many times i have been forced to let down some textures, as my textures work always by 2, to let down an idead, or a textures rendering just because i was needing at least one more texture slot to make it work....too bad.
With more textures i could work only at zoom x4, one the best for low flight. I'm shure i could make you a land like wings of prey