But you know why 32 to 63 slots or RGB values if you want are needed for....roads. Why so much ?
What's the explanation, has nobody tryed to use some of these 32-63, or 64-127 it's the same as ground textures.
Don'r forget that highway, road and railway RGB values combine with others when crossing them, so additive values appear. One must be careful : either to remove this feature, or use only values which are not the result of this combining effect. Just my 2pence, lol.
The only free RGB values are those between RGB=96 and RGB=127, i.e. 32 free RGB values.
Mmm...That's VERY interresting...32 more

. Have to check that. I will finish first MTO repaint like it is now and then explore all those possibilites.
More RGB values is the Holy Grail for map makers.
This would be the equivalent for us map makers of the the HG Plutonium fx mod, or the Tiger sound mod for sounds or the AOC mod for the IA.. This could change the look of IL2.
That's what i'm getting now after hours and hours and hours of manual painting, but with more RGB values this could be FAR better. Work of tonigh....look at the textures transitions, from rocks to sands and then to tiny dunes, it's looking very natural by now.:


Wind effects on sands
With more RGB values i coud make it much more complex. Effects of wind over the dunes and the game of lines and curves is the most sexy this to see in the desert:

More RGB values could also help to get better and natural texture transitions between town and countryside. Today cities appear like "popup" in the middle of no where.
So sorry guys if this is a little out of topic about 4.10 patch (i started this after Hades interresting question about shadows and il2 engine) but this limit of texture would be for me a major objectif for a futur patch or mod. I really hope that maybe me or another guy will find the trick to use these free RGB....