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Author Topic: Texture slots for Maps discussion...  (Read 27103 times)

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Re: Re: Regarding 4.10 and 4.09 versions and SAS
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2011, 05:58:48 PM »

Whatever, the question is max of textures slots we can have for a map. Load.ini file determines it now, i want to know i want day we will be able to have more textures slots, so more textures per map and increase the land realism.

I don't think that will ever be possible, seeing as texture placement is governed by a bmp with 256 colours, and every one is taken up (0-31 for texture slots, 32-63 for the roads on every possible texture slot, 64-127 for railways on every texture slot or road type and 128-256 for a highwya on every texture slot, road or rail). A real shame though.


Yea i know that too, it was on Kevin map tutorial if i remember well. But you know why 32 to 63 slots or RGB values if you want are needed for....roads. Why so much ?  ::) What's the explanation, has nobody tryed to use some of these 32-63, or 64-127 it's the same as ground textures.


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Re: Re: Regarding 4.10 and 4.09 versions and SAS
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2011, 01:54:59 AM »

But you know why 32 to 63 slots or RGB values if you want are needed for....roads. Why so much ?  ::) What's the explanation, has nobody tryed to use some of these 32-63, or 64-127 it's the same as ground textures.
Don'r forget that highway, road and railway RGB values combine with others when crossing them, so additive values appear. One must be careful : either to remove this feature, or use only values which are not the result of this combining effect. Just my 2pence, lol.
The only free RGB values are those between RGB=96 and RGB=127, i.e. 32 free RGB values.


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Re: Regarding 4.10 and 4.09 versions and SAS
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2011, 04:07:35 AM »

But you know why 32 to 63 slots or RGB values if you want are needed for....roads. Why so much ?  ::) What's the explanation, has nobody tryed to use some of these 32-63, or 64-127 it's the same as ground textures.
Don'r forget that highway, road and railway RGB values combine with others when crossing them, so additive values appear. One must be careful : either to remove this feature, or use only values which are not the result of this combining effect. Just my 2pence, lol.
The only free RGB values are those between RGB=96 and RGB=127, i.e. 32 free RGB values.

Mmm...That's VERY interresting...32 more  8). Have to check that. I will finish first MTO repaint like it is now and then explore all those possibilites.

More RGB values is the Holy Grail for map makers. This would be the equivalent for us map makers of the the HG Plutonium fx mod, or the Tiger sound mod for sounds or the AOC mod for the IA.. This could change the look of IL2.

That's what i'm getting now after hours and hours and hours of manual painting, but with more RGB values this could be FAR better. Work of tonigh....look at the textures transitions, from rocks to sands and then to tiny dunes, it's looking very natural by now.:


Wind effects on sands
With more RGB values i coud make it much more complex. Effects of wind over the dunes and the game of lines and curves is the most sexy this to see in the desert:

More RGB values could also help to get better and natural texture transitions between town and countryside. Today cities appear like "popup" in the middle of no where.

So sorry guys if this is a little out of topic about 4.10 patch (i started this after Hades interresting question about shadows and il2 engine) but this limit of texture would be for me a major objectif for a futur patch or mod. I really hope that maybe me or another guy will find the trick to use these free RGB.... ::)



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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2011, 05:00:02 AM »

The only free RGB values are those between RGB=96 and RGB=127, i.e. 32 free RGB values.

That's not quite right. If you had say a land texture of RGB 20, a road (+32) and a railway line crossing that road (+RGB64) the RGB for that square would be 116. So, no RGB values are unused.


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2011, 06:45:37 AM »

The only free RGB values are those between RGB=96 and RGB=127, i.e. 32 free RGB values.

That's not quite right. If you had say a land texture of RGB 20, a road (+32) and a railway line crossing that road (+RGB64) the RGB for that square would be 116. So, no RGB values are unused.

So do you think that a map without roads could be possible, using its RGB values as textures instead ?


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2011, 07:02:33 AM »

I had a look into this a while ago and believe that it would be possible to make more texture slots but it would mean sacrificing the roads and railways, when i asked the question online if map makers were prepared to make this sacrifice the answer all round was a resounding ....no! Of course roads and railways could still be put in by hand using FMB but all waypoints on all vehicles would have to put in manually....the other problem is trains only have one waypoint and even if they were set to run anywere (which is possible) it would still require a piece of 'map made' track to set the intial train on as a train can only be placed on this first before being set to go anywhere!......the sacrifice it would seem is to great!


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2011, 07:19:06 AM »

The only free RGB values are those between RGB=96 and RGB=127, i.e. 32 free RGB values.

That's not quite right. If you had say a land texture of RGB 20, a road (+32) and a railway line crossing that road (+RGB64) the RGB for that square would be 116. So, no RGB values are unused.
You are right, I forget this. So the only solution would be ,that the roads and railways and highways will not be adding RGB values, what, I suppose, is much deeper change of Il2 code.


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2011, 09:26:04 AM »

Tile-able (also known as seamless) textures are always better then opposite. But I think thats not solution for IL2 repetitiveness. Solution probably would be changing the way of the rendering of the textures when they are seen from a far. So, it would be changing the graphic engine of IL2. Now it is just showing the textures as they are and our eyes catch repetitiveness. Trick is to trick our eyes, by braking the pattern, by putting forest, mountain, river or whatever, or a texture with very low contrast and dark color (which is ugly and unrealistic). You can even have a 100 different seamless textures but with the way of rendering (which can be explained as: "just as they are") as we have in IL2, our eyes will always see the pattern.

I have every texture seamless and with the same colors and tone colors, I want to say tuned in every way. But again repetitiveness is visible from some 2500m altitude.

The only free RGB values are those between RGB=96 and RGB=127, i.e. 32 free RGB values.

That's not quite right. If you had say a land texture of RGB 20, a road (+32) and a railway line crossing that road (+RGB64) the RGB for that square would be 116. So, no RGB values are unused.

So do you think that a map without roads could be possible, using its RGB values as textures instead ?

Maybe the good solution would be the whole new map for transportation system, but that too would require programing.

What "ed_map_t.tga" is for exactly?



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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2011, 12:29:27 PM »

ed_map_t appears to tell the game what areas are navigable by ships. So, water in map_C plus RGB 28, 29, 30 and 31 on ed_map_t allows ships to sail there.


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2011, 02:45:36 PM »


Any tries in putting some other RGB values on that map?


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #34 on: January 07, 2011, 11:17:26 AM »

I think too the increase of texture slots would be fantastic! Make a lobby on the knowledgeable of the game engine and maybe they'll find a way!
I'm thinking of maps like The Alps where the author used 2-3 textures only(!) for the MOUNTAINS because everything else was used with the lowlands/midlands. 2-3 textures for extended mountain regions, that's a terrible small number, and if you can cheat the flyers eye with low fields, the mountains are tough. This is an example but generally all maps which have extended mountain regions suffer from this (Slovakia, Slovenia, etc). Sorry for the random words...
Make a lobby!  :)


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #35 on: January 08, 2011, 03:42:56 AM »

Fingers crossed that some way of adding new rgb slots.  It would be the holy grail for map makers and modders.
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