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Author Topic: Texture slots for Maps discussion...  (Read 27230 times)

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Re: Re: Regarding 4.10 and 4.09 versions and SAS
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2011, 02:40:12 AM »

Axtually it's 32 slots,not 20 ;)

Yea but some can't be used as ground textures, like wood for exemple, only used for the tree layers effect. I'm dreamin to make it able for ground texture

If you cheat, and make an 'invisible' transparent woods texture, then you can use RGB 24 as a normal ground texture. The drawback though is that all the 4 woods RGB values, seem to come up on the map as being only 1 texture, which means that all the 4 woods textures amount to only 1 real slot gained on the ground textures.

And planes will crash against the 'invisible' trees if they attempt a landing. You may not see them, but trees are still there ...

I've done that a few times, on maps where even just 1 single extra slot can be helpful.


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2012, 04:48:14 PM »

Apologies for dragging up an old thread, but some comments here are puzzling me, i.e.:

..... texture placement is governed by a bmp with 256 colours, and every one is taken up (0-31 for texture slots, 32-63 for the roads on every possible texture slot, 64-127 for railways on every texture slot or road type and 128-256 for a highwya on every texture slot, road or rail).

Don't forget that highway, road and railway RGB values combine with others when crossing them, so additive values appear ....

... If you had say a land texture of RGB 20, a road (+32) and a railway line crossing that road (+RGB64) the RGB for that square would be 116. So, no RGB values are unused.

Sorry, but I don't see where this 'combining' of RGB values takes place - if you 'paint' RGB 64 for a rail-track onto map_t, regardless of the pixel value that it's painted over, it will still have a value of 64.

Or, to put it another way - if you paint a pixel RGB 10, then paint over that with RGB 64, the result will be RGB 64 - GIMP doesn't add the values together.

I'll admit that I'm much less experienced in this than you guys, but to me, this is basic image-editing ..... unless I'm missing something?



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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #38 on: February 28, 2012, 01:04:48 AM »

Sorry, but I don't see where this 'combining' of RGB values takes place - if you 'paint' RGB 64 for a rail-track onto map_t, regardless of the pixel value that it's painted over, it will still have a value of 64.

Or, to put it another way - if you paint a pixel RGB 10, then paint over that with RGB 64, the result will be RGB 64 - GIMP doesn't add the values together.
I'll admit that I'm much less experienced in this than you guys, but to me, this is basic image-editing ..... unless I'm missing something?
Read KevinPs manual ver.3, page 9 of Part 2:Textures. You will find that roads are drawn on a separate layer, then combined with underlying layer in Addition Mode on the Layers windows.


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #39 on: February 28, 2012, 01:41:59 AM »

Do you think possible one day that we could have more textures slots on the load.ini. After been working a lot on textures and map repaints, i can conclude today that with 20 textures slots in more i could make a "perfect" textured map. 25 + 20 would be enough to make il2 looks very close to FSX. 40-60 would allows me (and us) to make a real landscape (but more ground polygones would be needed in this case).

I agree Redko, I don't know if it's possible in Il2-1946. I would have expected more landscape texture slots in Cliffs of Dover, but sadly the load.ini appears to have the same number of slots as IL2-1946. Which is a shame really. Since CLOD is still developing, maybe now's the time to petition the dev's to expand the CLOD slots so that community map making in the future won't have the same limitations as IL2-1946.

CLOD Channel Map load.ini

; use small/ directory for  triangulator and texture for faster loading
triangulator triangulator.bin
texture textureStorage.bin
cliff cliffStorage.bin
;roadXML roads/roads.xml
road roadStorage.roads
roadGeom roadGeom.bin
;range 0 0 9 9
range 0 0 44 38
cliffspline cliffs.dat

bridges bridges.dat

TypeMap     map_T.tga

; íåîáõîäèìî óêàçûâàòü ïîñëåäíþþ òåêñòóðó èç ñïèñêà (èç íåå áåðåòñÿ ÷èñëî òàéëîâ â ìèïå)



YEAR 1940
DAY 15
; position of London

PRESSURE      745

;ofsX  -204800
;ofsY  -245760


sizeX 1650000
sizeY 1650000
;ofsX  200000
;ofsY  -500760
ofsX  790000
ofsY  410760
render_cx 820000
render_cy 360000



Rail       land/summer/Rail
Road       land/summer/Road
Highway    land/summer/Highway

LowLand0   land/summer/LowLand_1.tga,2
LowLand1   land/summer/LowLand_2.tga
MidLand0   land/summer/midland.tga
Mount0     land/summer/midland.tga
Country0   land/summer/bigcountry.tga
Country1   land/summer/countries.tga
Country2   land/summer/factory.tga
Country3   land/summer/factoryC.tga
;City0      land/summer/DownCity.tga
;City1      land/summer/MidCity.tga
;City2      land/summer/CenterCity.tga
AirField0  land/summer/airfieldGr.tga
Wood0      forest/summer/forestGr.tga
Wood2      forest/summer/ForestFar.tga
Water0     water/water.tga
Water1     water/water.tga
Water2     water/CoastLine.tga
Water3     water/Beach.tga


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #40 on: February 28, 2012, 01:45:49 AM »

No doubt in the future though more could be created, as apparently the game engine and it's components are 'very flexible'.  :)


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #41 on: February 28, 2012, 06:50:11 AM »

Read KevinPs manual ver.3, page 9 of Part 2:Textures. You will find that roads are drawn on a separate layer, then combined with underlying layer in Addition Mode on the Layers windows.

Ah ... a small, but vital point that I'd overlooked. This would no doubt, explain an undesirable effect, adjacent to my rail-track that's been puzzling me for a couple of days - I'd simply flattened my layers without setting the Addition mode and this is the result:

Many thanks for the explanation, Uzin ... I can now correct the errors :)



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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #42 on: February 28, 2012, 07:21:41 AM »

More textures is something map makers have been screaming out for but has not been really looked into or addressed as far as the game engine is concerned, it needs a dedicated knowledgable modder to take it on. This i believe is the Holy Grail for map building and whoever comes up with the goodies will no doubt go down in modding history, can you imagine the quality of the maps that we could bring to the game even if we just had another ten or twenty slots.......it would be a different world.


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2012, 01:37:47 PM »

Ok, here's an idea. The most "expendable" area of the load.ini is the alternative road slot. If a mapmaker is content to have either all paved roads or all dirt roads on his map, then that frees up a large number of alternative RGB values for extra terrain texes.


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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2012, 03:00:04 PM »

Ok, here's an idea. The most "expendable" area of the load.ini is the alternative road slot. If a mapmaker is content to have either all paved roads or all dirt roads on his map, then that frees up a large number of alternative RGB values for extra terrain texes.

I'm just brainstorming but I don't know if that's a good idea taking in account the recent developments at SAS.
The Jet Era seems to be popular with the  F-4, F-8, Vietnam, Korea, helicopters etc. and other post WWII items.
So instead of sacrificing roads for extra texture slots I would think creating more modern highways will be more appreciated.

IL-2 starts is gonna look like like the 1980's movie 'The Final Countdown' with Tomcats engaging Zero's.  ;D 

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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2012, 06:39:04 AM »

well, not that it's gonna make a difference, but on many maps you do not need 2 types of roads and a railway as well ... some areas will make do very well with just secondary roads ... and since roads and rails take up a large number of rgb values, with their 'addition' merging, leaving out just one would open up many rgb values which would then be open as single value texture slots ... or so I dream in any case ...

It might also be a good idea to do something with the 4 slots that are reserved for trees - rgb 24, 25, 26 , 27 = and have them use different tree types or something different one from the other ... as it is, it is not even necessary now to fill in 2 f these slots to still get the full range of trees on a map ...



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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #46 on: March 03, 2012, 07:32:56 AM »

Do you ever think it would be possible in some way to have roads and railways have a smooth curved join between tiles, rather than the angled join we have now (this is the biggest visual immersion killer for me)

regards all



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Re: Texture slots for Maps discussion...
« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2012, 07:42:36 AM »

For mapmakers it is possible to make roads with smooth curved joints, Blumax did that on his repainted Pacific Island map.
The point is that it needs to be redone map for map and that takes ages. And who is willing to pick up that job.
Unfortunately it is not possible by adding a mod in your Mods folder and it is done for all maps.
And if it was possible then another mod would be invented to make vehicles make nice turns automatically.
Not to mention the train colums and their 45 degrees turns.  ::)
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