Hs 129 Flyable and Upgrade PackageI have been tinkering at this for a good while, and collected things from many sources. Problem is, I forgot what those were.
Firstly, what does this package do:1) Makes the
two Hs129 models in the game Flyable2) Puts a 109Z cockpit in them
3) Fixes and updates some elements like
the big cannon of the Wa.(Sounds like a title for one of Chaoic's signatures)
4) Gives
improved default generic skins to both models
5) Optionally fixes an
ambient gunflash issue
v2 fix: Fix texture problem on WA gun for ATI users
Origins:This mod comes originally form and old cockpit transplant at AAA, later upgraded by Ranwers, and probably with Charlie Chap in there somewhere. I got the body upgrade from Charlie..I think... I am sure I stole some of Bolox's stuff for the pit, as well as Muas, , Freddy and who knows who else. If someone needs credit here, please tell me.
What is new and different in this package over previous ones:1) The cockpit got a MAYOR jack up. Lots of tecture changes and inprovements while keeping it medium Rez. I did a lot of little things here also. Just to give it a different feel. POV and reticle moves, ect ect...a lot.
2) Bug fixes in cockpit...a few.
3) Ambient gunflash bug with previous version (if you fired the cockpit was bathed in yellow). I include an optional gunmod that fixes this. Use it, dont use it, just dont moan at me. I will inlcude the fix anyway with later proper SAS gunmods, this is just for now, but if you have another of the same name, you will have to choose.
4) Body improvements from Charlie..especialy the big WA!!!
5) New default skins so they no longer look like energy drinks with wings.
6) Probably something else I am not thinking about...