I noticed in your thread about your mission randomizers mod that you intend to merge and update that mod with this one.
I was wondering if you have the time and the interest in doing it if you may be able to implement a few things please?
For the nav option, would it be posible for the navigator reports to become more unreliable the further from base the player aircraft is? for example up to 100km a chance of a 10 km error, up to 200km a chance of a 20 km error etc. maybe even the distance from base and error could be random values aswell.
Most reports i have read, seem to suggest that AI intercept radar was affected by ground clutter, and therefore the practical usefull range was reduced the nearer to the ground a plane was, could this be implemented? I believe ther is some info on ranges for allied radar in the two books i posted on the mission randomizer thread.
could the minimum height of GCI radar also be a random height, or increase the further a plane is from the radar, that way the player would not know at which exact height radar is detecting them.
Tied in to the above could a new object be made so that when a plane is flying below the minimum operating height of GCI that there is a much reduced chance of computer controlled planes detecting the low flying plane? maybe restricted to visual range with maybe different values for day and night.
Lastly is there anyway that placing a GCI object gives computer controlled planes a chance of vectoring onto incoming planes, at a range greater than the default visual range, so that the computer controlled planes get the same benefits as player controlled planes operating with GCI?, this subject to the change asked for above this for GCI?
I realise you are retired mate and so would not ask unless you yourself posted about making a new combined updated mod. I fully understand if you do not want to take on any further work, it was just a few observations i had about making my most favourite mod a tiny bit better
Thanks again mate, wishing you all the best.