I was asked to post this message by a member who apparently cannot post new messages:
"Thanks to the work of Agracier, Uufflakke, Halcones Rojos and Jir; we are able to fly over most of Spain and Sidi Ifni. With this pack you can have these maps through JSGME of UP2.01.
Maps on are:
-Andalucía. Text_512. Agracier
-Andalucía. Text_1024. Fixed crash on Gibraltar. Agracier
-Ebro. 8-9-2010. Halcones Rojos
-Madrid. Agracier+Uufflakke
-Aragón. Agracier
-Costa Cantábrica (Northen of Spain). Jir, RedEye
-Baleares. Agracier.
-Canarias. Halcones Rojos
-Sidi-Ifni. Agracier+Uufflakke
- This facility ignores other maps added to the stationing of UP2.01.
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=S74XCPUAI have also intends to prepare a pack with everything needed for installation manual. This could be installed in different versions UP2.01 or add to your installed maps already.
If you find any fault or doubt report it so you can fix.