hi Guys
We had trouble with our old version of FC Lite, which is derived from Sanka's excellent mod. We removed that long ago, and made a stadard "Thin" version, which is the same as Sanke's, only minus the default skins for some planes. it is thus a whole lot "lighter". (More than 200MB compressed in 5 parts vs less than 9Mb)
Here is the edited extract from the opening post of the previous version, just as a reminder of where this is going:
....the original Forgotten Countries by Sanka (and he is one of the coolest cats in modding!) was just a bit too big and complicated for some users. And because Sanka assigned sides from a western viewpoint, the sides ended up not always making sense in coldwar historical terms. For example, all middle eastern countries ended up blue, or western, while israel was red. Similarily, north korea was blue while south Korea was red.
The correct way to do it was to take a USSR centric view. Whatever side the USSR was, will be red. Then you have a few countries that move from red to blue at the start of the cold war, and vice verca, while others, like the Koreas and the Middle eastern countries, start off in opposites to the original FC mod right away. I know it sounds complicated, but believe me, it makes a lot more sense.
Now we have started down the path to update this mod, with v3. We will do the update in 3 steps. v3 is step one.
Step 1: Switch Countries that are the wrong color
Step 2: Create Duplicate Countries in cases where countries switched color post or pre war
Step 3: Refine Country names and add any missing countries
Of course the SAS version of this still contains McWolf's decalshine mod integrated into it.
Download FC Lite Thin Version 3.1My Salutes to Sanka & McWolf!
v3.1 changes:
Full Mission Builder Static Planes Issue fixed
New 4.09m Italian squadrons added
v3 switches:
de Germany
fi Finland
fr France
gb RAF
hu Hungary
it Italy
ja IJA
pl Poland
ro Romania
sk Slovakia
un USN
rn RN
in IJN
du NL
yu Yugoslavia
ab Abyssinia
ca Canada
sa South Africa
cn Republic of China (pre 1949)
cz Czechoslovakia
il Italy (ICAF) Allied
rl Romania Allied
fl Finland Allied
gr Greece
dd German Democratic Republic
hy Hungary (red sided)
mg Managua
nl Netherlands (LV Europe)
es Republican Spain
re Russian Empire
bl Bulgaria (Allied)
ap Partisan
id India
vb Great Britain (Alternative Blue)
na USA (Alternative Blue)
sp Nationalist Spain
ar Argentina
bg Bulgaria
hr Croatia
co Colombia
ee Estonia
ir Iran
ia Italy (ANR, 1943-45)
mk Manchukuo
lv Latvia
lt Lithuania
pa Paraguay
pn Poland (Axis)
pk Pakistan
rb Russian Liberation Army
tk Turkey
sw Sweden
vi Vichy France
//moved completely from red to blue
pt Portugal
at Austria
bo Bolivia
br Brazil
mx Mexico
dk Denmark
ph Philippines
no Norway
pe Peru
ur Uruguay
th Thailand
is Israel
kr Republic of Korea (South)
//move completely from blue to red
kp North Korea
sy Syria
eg Egypt
ik Iraq
cc China (PLA post 1945)
How to remove a country from Forgotten Countries:Some countries may just be getting in your way and you want to just take them out. Here is how.
~ Open the mod, and open the
regiments.ini file inside the
paintschemes folder.
You will see, this is divided into a
Red section first, and then a
Blue section second.
each country is represented by a 2 letter code followed by a 01 or a NN.
For example, Argentina is ar01
Some countries also have specific regiments, or squadrons listed under their name.
~Open up the
country_ru.properties file inside the
i18n folder
In here you can look up which country belongs to which code.
To remove a country, you must remove it from the
regiments.ini file, along with any of it's squadrons (if it has any)
~You can remove it by deletion, or by placing a "//" in front of it's lines
~TIP: I have arranged all the new nations at the end of the respective
Red and
Blue sections in