I got annoyed by a ground collision bug in Fiat G.55 that made nose sink into ground when nosing over in landing. Thus I quickly did a little mod that adds the missing _Clip hooks to engine to fix that bug. Just unpack the attached files into your MODS folder, and G.55 nose will never sink into ground again and you'll get realistic behaviour in landing or take-off accidents and belly landings. This mod fixes all G.55 variants in v4.10m and is completely independent of flyable cockpit mod. This mod should also work in v4.09m, but not tested yet.
EDIT: I noticed some other G.55 bugs and continued fixing them. I updated attachment, and the new pack now fixes the following bugs:
- engine ground collision of all variants
- right gear shadow and wheel rotation direction of G.55 with wing cannons (I copied gear files and their hier.him entries from ss0 files, TD had fixed those but forgotten to update old variant)
- misaligned normal under Italian ss0 left aileron and wrong LOD2 material of other left ailerons (appeared to be the reason for editing that caused the normal issue)
- wrong LOD3 material of ss0 GearR3 (TD had added shadow to it, now same file for all variants with correct materials and shadow)
- ss0 hier.him bugs I noticed while comparing files: missing keel cap and many missing Separable lines
Some parts of this are included in v4.101m patch, but not all. This mod still works OK in v4.101m and gives less buggy G.55.
I also noticed two other bugs that I didn't fix yet: prop collision missing in ss0 hier.him and missing wing markings in Italian ss0 (default skin issue).