I have found a long lost flash drive that contained my first WIP of a 4 engine bomber and with Sani's permission early last year or two to use his B-24J for this, I release my latest on the WIP B-24D Stand in. I know of issues that it has, but please go ahead and post them if you wish to so that everyone knows of the issues at hand. Just be sure to read everyone's post before you tell any issues (But dont get too nit picky on it.)

DOWNLOAD B-24D WIP v4 (18.1 MB)air.ini: B-24D air.B_24D 1 usa01 SUMMER
Plane.ru: B-24D B-24D, 1942
Known issues:
- Nose gun - isnt working correctly (Rounds are comming from the right of the gun
) - There is an extra gun in the nose stations - will be removed
- Bombsight - locks up, but doesnt crash or lock up the game (changing the cockpit will fix this at the moment )
- Ball turret doesnt extend or retract - (Didnt think I had this feature installed, but it's working for some)
- Nose gun can disapear sometimes from the exterior view(happens after you cycle to the nose gunner)
Sani & Charlie Chap: Classfile templates
Charlie Chap & Ranwers : Donating glass framed nose to the project and B-24 cockpit mod
Malone, Bombsaway, Friction, BravoFxTrt: Preliminary testing
Birdman and Cirx: Lod fixes, and smoothing
http://www.filefront.com/17883645/Contrail fix for Rikens B24D.zip This is a contrail fix for Rikens B-24D-You must have CirX's Combined Contrail Fixes v2 installed for this to work and it has to load before the B-24D in your mods folder so rename Cirx's mod to read o_Combined Contrail Fixes v2.All work here is Cirx's and Riken's all I did was to take the plane folders out of Rikens and add Cirx's files and put them in Cirx's mod I thank them both and hope they approve.To install place the two folders I provided into Combined Contrail Fixes v2's plane folder.I hope it works for everybody,I'm off to the doctor for more tests,Hope it's ok Riken.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,3925.0.htmlHave fun and enjoy

Added by SAS~Mission_bug 23/03/2013.
NOTE: Link to mod would not allow a complete download for me so here is a second link very kindly supplied by Bison_M for those who experience similar difficulties:https://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qdmtgcy0zbk6ydv