I have followed instructions on installing new aircraft. I have run into several problems. 1) I can find the MODS folder, but the only files containded are MAPMOD
and STD. no file called IL2 Sturmovik 1946/MODS/TheNewPlaneFolder/3do. 2) the hashed classified that come with the file download where are those installed? I did down load and install the lasted modactivator 2.72 and the latest buttons 8.21. My current copy of IL2 is 4.101 and is working after the installs of Modactivator and Buttons
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thx Darrell
the whole sentence reads :
You can name the folder that the mod is in anything you want. All that is important, is that you place it in your MODS folder at the right depth. It must be …IL2 Sturmovik 1946/MODS/TheNewPlaneFolder/3do
So, "thenewplanefolder" is whatever you want to call the folder your plane is in. That hierarchy is just to illustrate at what depth the mod must be installed. your mods folder, you place your plane's folder, so that, if you open up the plane's folder, you immediately see the "3do" folder.
Because...if you install the planes folder into another folder, and put THAT in your MODS folder, the game wont see it.
In the plane's folder (which you can name anything you like) you will find the 3do folder, and next to it, those hashed classfiles. They should stay right there.