WELCOME to the WORLD of SNARK HUNTINGThis version of the SNARKjungle map has been developed for 4.10 + SAS MOD ACT 2.5.
In order for this
Wierd and Wonderful Tropical map to work and successfully/save missions in 4.10 +SAS MOD ACT 2.5
You need this highly organized and amazing MOD collected, restructured and updated recently in January
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12257.0.htmlYou need all of Boomers Objects Pack to make this map work
You also need Zuti's Friction (airfields stand alone) 4.10 version
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12301.0.htmlMAP MOD SNARKJungle MAP DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/?vmoyx8jb0bhnt3sMAP MOD SNARKJungle MAP Textures Folder DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/?acjwxke23yr2ac2Note This map was populated on 4.10 and SASMODACT 2.5 I have not tested it on 4.101 and SASMODACT 2.74.10 Users1) Make sure you have Boomers Awesome Objects Pack MOD from his recent update in January already installed in your 4.10 and SAS MOD ACT game version.
Make sure you have Zuti's Friction MOD stand alone 4.10 version installed.
2) Extract the SnarkJungle4.10Update rar file. You will get a map folder called SNARKJungle
3) As follows MODS/MAPMODS/Maps/SNARKJungle
4) Your all.ini entry for this map is SNARKJungle SNARKJungle/load.ini (as per the named folder)
5) Extract the SNARK_Tex rar file and you will end up with two folders
1) Snark/textures folder
2) Trees/Tree folder
6) Place the above two folders directly in _Tex
From there you should get it loaded easily.
4.09UsersIf you have the SNARKJungle map already installed in your beloved 4.09 game version all you have to do is this
1) Extract SNARKJungle4.10update rar file
2) Copy and paste the SNARKJungle map folder into your 4.09 game version and say yes (Overwrite)to everything.
The map is now about 80 percent populated.
The main emphasis in population was to complete the Army controlled country of Pagodana.
I feel this map is now ready for UltraPack so if Boomer is interested feel free.
A final update will occur in late April with some minor work to be done in Ankoria then general detailing.
PAGODANA a low living standard country ruled by its army after ousting the democratic government. The country is quite poor while the army is reasonably maintained. I'd hate to live in one of those clean slumbs or be imprisoned in a high security prison ran by the Army. The army has to deal with Pirates from Conchita Isles and a growing rebel force from within the country. Lots of illigal activities happen from within this country smuggling, black market, and worker smuggling to Ankoria. If you are a soldier or a pilot in the army you've got it made daily hot food, reasonable pay and lots of 'entertainment' in seedy parts of army base towns for your enjoyment.
Occasionally The Pagodanese Army Air Force will provoke Ankoria. However the countries main enemies are the Conchitian Pirates and the internal rebel forces.
HUNTING of the SNARK Enjoy Jungle Snark Hunting

Have Fun
