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Author Topic: Coastal Command Wellington?  (Read 2927 times)

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Coastal Command Wellington?
« on: February 10, 2011, 06:51:29 AM »

Now that a Coastal Command Liberator is coming, anyone know where to get a skin with this paintscheme for the Wellington?



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Re: Coastal Command Wellington?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2011, 11:36:53 AM »

I would love to see the Coastal Command birds developed. In my opinion, they should all get their own slots rather than just skinning for form - yes I realize this is a lot of modding art and coding, and no I cannot do it - no skill - I am just saying they would be well loved, and the ass flown out of them.
This line of aircraft, the maritime battle,  is a lot of fun, historically interesting, and these aircraft were outfitted extremely differently than their Bomber Command , USAAF brothers and sisters. (Libs, Wimpies, Hudsons, Beauforts, etc)
First dedicated CC Wimpy was MkVIII (from MK IC).

ASV MkII air to surface vessel radar - the four big posts above the after fuselage and four pairs of receiver rings on each side of the lateral fuselage. The radar worked in cones laterally rather than ahead of the aircraft. It was not trainable.
I believe this was the first Wimpy to have a Leigh light - in a retractible retractible ventral cylinderaimed from the bow mg position (which was deleted) and trainable.
I think the one shown by RealDarko is a MkXII with ASVMkIV(?).
And it goes without saying that the maritime weapons load was used : torps, depth charges, anti-sub bombs ( a bit more advanced than dcs), mines (needed badly IMO), flares, and yes even 25lb Armour Piercing warheads - preferred by Coastal Commmand to 60 lb HE heads - were used by Wimpies.

Anyway I hope someone endeavours to get a few of these old girls out of the shed, and if I must say, I prefer the mature ones from early years - 1939-40-41 to the later fully equipped ones, but that is just my taste.



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Re: Coastal Command Wellington?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2011, 01:06:17 PM »

I wish for a costal wellington too, The costal command operated more and longer the wellington during wartime
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