SAS Spitfire Pack - MkI early, Mk I, MkIb, MkIIa, MkIIb & MkVa (v3.0 for all game versions)
Download SAS Spitfire Pack Mk I to Va - v3.0 for 4.10m*Readme with air.ini entries included*
Older 4.09m version available below
This mod requires use of the latest SAS Buttons
Latest Buttonsv3.0 Changelog - Upgraded to 4.10m
- Default skins fixed + alpha layers restored
- LOD and 3D fixes (thanks Birdman!)
- Cannon jamming code for Spitfire MkIb revised. Now jams whilst firing under Gs and/or at high altitude (due to low temperature)
- Randomised codes for RAF reinstated
Features:- All early model Spitfires now in one convenient pack
- New 3D model for Spitfire Mk II
- Sliding canopy, with taxi view
- Non sequential plane in squadron fuselage codes
- Individually adjusted flight models
- Wing cannon jamming on MkIb
- Manually retracting undercarriage on Mk I early
IC:Maddox for 3D parts
Spitfire Mk I early:
3D by VH-Rock and Mosca
Classes by Sani, Cirx and Anto (minor edits)
Skin by Kristorfer
Spitfire Mk I:
Original mod by AAA team (MrJolly in particular and also Ranwers)
Cirx for cockpit mod
New 3D by VH-Rock
Skin by Kristorfer
Spitfire MkIIa to Va:
Custom 3D and classfile work by Anto and Muas
Flight Models by Karaya
Cannon jamming code adapted from By_Rudy's original
Default Spitfire skins by Kristoff and Robo
Opening canopies by Muas and SAS~Cirx
4.10m bug fixing by Birdman
-------------For 4.09m Users Only-------------SAS Spitfire Pack - MkI early, Mk I, MkIb, MkIIa, MkIIb & MkVa (v2.0)Download SAS Spitfire Pack Mk I to Va - v2.0