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Author Topic: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment  (Read 24357 times)

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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2011, 05:34:57 PM »

Really stalwart work Canon.
I was going to feel lucky if someone made any one of those I listed.
I for one am very grateful for your work.

Now I know I am being a smartass, but...with a Luftwaffe Battery Kommander looking through...

Much Respect.


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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2012, 12:04:43 PM »

Just a follow up.

Canon , anyone who knows , did these ever get released as a separate 4.09 compatible pack ?



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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2012, 01:23:50 PM »

It would be nice to see these made available, they look great.

Eddie, the eye candy man ...


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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2012, 01:19:55 AM »

very nice :)  8)  ;D


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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2012, 09:19:39 AM »

Not a German object but it sounds like you folks may be able to help solve my quandry.
I can find the horizonal parts of the Chain Home in the FMB but the verticle uprights , that look like thy should work, are not tall enough. Using  IL-2 4.11.1.
In 4.09 There was a verticle object called "chain home" but would not show up when I put it in a game.
The new cross channel map  has Chain Home sites set up on Britians coast, but NO uprights show up.

Any suggestions? Object mumber?


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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2012, 09:26:26 AM »

mmm.....not sure, kozmik, but i know that there are very few mods for 4.11.1, if any, and that could be part of the problem.
afaik, only a few mods are available for 4.11 so far, never mind 4.11.1
most of those objects were optimised for 4.10, and i don't know if they will work on 4.11.1 without further optimising.
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2012, 08:27:00 AM »


noticed you are back around posting on the forums mate, just wondered if you ever finished your radar mods at all? if so are there any plans to release them please?

Would be a great addition alongside sputniks and CY6's representation of radar mods.




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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #31 on: November 09, 2012, 03:39:03 PM »

 ;D  Woo hoo !!! I was in the process of making a request for some additional radar objects and did a great deal of research for it.

looks like we can use stuff we already have with those seen to recreate German positions like this (though some taller sandbag stacks would be nice);

In HFSX (I think-hard to keep up with it), we appear to already have the small Wurzberg dish, BUT it is elevated well into the air for placement on the large flak tower.

Note that it's in one of the cement pedastal mounts, in the upper left of the screen. It would be a simple start, in this mod at least, to make a version of teh same pedastal mounted wurzberg on the ground. I was testing some new stuff and wanted to see how it looked.

Found a shot of a small towed wzbg folded up. This is so cool.

This is the common type of radar SCR-271-D-600 used in the early war yrs, similar to the one at Pearl Harbor on the mountain, but that one didn't have a huge tower. I can improvise one of the beacon objects that looks very similar to simulate it, for now.

I forget which number object this is, but it looks close.

This is the one we have in the sim already. There was nver any info about it, but I think I found what it's based on; a mid to late war radar, also used from 43 into the 50s. It had a 120 mile range.
It's an AN-TPS-1B American search radar, or at least it looks a bit like it, though the antennae is a bit different.

This is the truck mounted version (that would be cool actually). In the background is an SCR-584 that came out in 44.

And this early war US radar is an odd version of the SCR-268. Very common well into the war.
I don't think those sandbags are gonna do much good.

And one in use on Guadalcanal, I assume at Henderson or a hill nearby.

And this is the afore mentioned SCR-584 of 1944, which was used well into the 50s in several forms, trailers, trucks, towers, and a neat little tripod.

Actually, most of those are just suggestions, as what I'm really requesting is just that the pedastal mounted Wzbg be available mounted on the ground, in the standard sim as well as the mods. Thanx for all the work you guys do. Im gonna put some of the above radars in the screenshots U guys posted to good use when they show up, as they can stand in for equipment of various countries into the 50s.  ::)



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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2012, 02:13:54 AM »

I forget which number object this is, but it looks close.

This is the one we have in the sim already. There was nver any info about it, but I think I found what it's based on; a mid to late war radar, also used from 43 into the 50s. It had a 120 mile range.
It's an AN-TPS-1B American search radar, or at least it looks a bit like it, though the antennae is a bit different.


Actually it's a Luftwaffe Jagdschloss Radar



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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #33 on: November 10, 2012, 03:28:48 AM »

Lol it's like a radar factory!! Looking good!!


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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2012, 08:12:10 PM »

Ok cool.  8)  I stand corrected, but it's close enough to stand in for it. I found a large tower in the HSFX objects (dunno what the number is after the recent update) that has a surface on top for something, but I dunno what. IT's not the British chain home system, but I was trying to find what fit on top of it. I'll figure it out.

Thanx for all the work you guys do, and the correction.  :P


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Re: Object Types Needed - German Radar Equipment
« Reply #35 on: November 20, 2012, 12:02:58 PM »

If this has already been implemented , please ignore, but has anyone considered applying the AA gun code to these objects in order to allow them to rotate and either follow aircraft , or to rotate continuously - of course some research would need to be done to determine exactly how each was operated historically.

Just a thought.

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