I want to present you a map of Serbia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SerbiaMore precise central part of Serbia, that is some 2/3 of its territory. I started with the whole Yugoslavia, but it was too big. Serbia was part of Yugoslavia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SFRJWhich was till WW2 known as Kingdom of Yugoslavia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_YugoslaviaGermany and the Axis countries attacked Yugoslavia on 6th of april in 1941.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_YugoslaviaAs a part of their Balkans Campaing against Yugoslavia and Greece.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkans_CampaignCapital city Belgrade, was heavily bombed by Luftwaffe
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Belgrade_in_World_War_IIAlso later in war by the Allies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_bombing_during_World_War_IIThe Yugoslav royal army and Yugoslav air force gave heroic efforts with defense in so called "April War"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Yugoslav_Air_Forcebut of course that was in vain against mighty Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht
Later, there was people uprise with Comrade Tito as a leader
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Broz_TitoWhat opened so called Yugoslav front
With well known Tito's partisans
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_PartisansLater in the war they even took part in some aerial operations
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkan_Air_ForceEnough about history now map

I labeled it "unfinished" because it is not sure that I will manage to finish it. So, that is "Unfinished" instead "beta".
Map uses only Slovakia objects, so you need only 4.09 version for it (works under 4.10 also), no other mod building packs needed.
Majority of the textures are new, and everyone of them have corresponding tree and bump map. Map makers feel free to use them at your own will. It uses Zuti's friction mod (if you want your take offs and landings to be smooth).
There is also nice effect on the ground thanks to Bump maps so I suggest to try the map in various "time and weather" settings. Looks beautifully in 4.10.
In it is not finished, so some textures are missing, like airport texture. But in texture folder you will find more of them that are not used. Objects are on little village and smaller town textures, but not on big cities. No roads, railways and bridges, and there are glitches and errors, but consider thats why it is "unfinished".
But, after all, its flyable and what was most important to me, looks little bit different than other IL2 maps.
- Map:https://www.mediafire.com/?u385cwq5y50g35k- Textures version 2. Brighter, green is brighter and more yellow. If you didnt like original textures, think that they are too dark or too blue, just replace them with these.https://www.mediafire.com/?9u628u2c356eale- If someone wants it just brighter, use this. Just drop it in texture folder (MODS\MAPMODS\Maps\_Tex\Avala\serbia)https://www.mediafire.com/?uiab4h22c00ig7pOn page 3 of this thread is also explanation how to make ground brighter or darker, according to your likings.
- Uufflakke's version of textures. For those who prefer more brighter land and different shades.https://www.mediafire.com/?2ew7x0psnwo37o4- Also, for the ones who run simulation in "excelent" mode do the folowing:Open "load.ini" file, find this line:
Tree0 = Avala/serbia/SrbijaDrvo.tga
And change it to:
Tree0 = Avala/serbia/SrbijaDrvoTL.tga
(Mixx's fix

BIG THANKS TO THE WHOLE OF SAS COMUNITY(for all the knowledge that I stole here

ESPECIALLY AGRACIER FOR HIS AUTOPOP TUTORIAL. ALSO 102ND-YU SQUADRON FOR THEIR HELP AND TESTING, AND ESPECIALLY 102ND-YU BOGIDA FOR HIS TECHNICAL AND HISTORICAL HELP. (thanks also to Oleg, DT and everyone whom ideas I might have inadvertently stole).I don't have copyright or any other claims on this map, in a part or as a whole. You can use textures made by me on your own will.Enjoy boys (and girls too

2D map

Some screenshots