Believe me guys, the colors and light are correct for April. Really vegetation is more green bluish with overall drab tone of the ground then yellowish. It is yellow more at late sumer and in autumn. If you use 4.10 try to play with date and time settings, it can be brighter. But it is really different then IL2 maps colors, Slovakia for example is too much yellow for Serbia in any time of year. You can also check it and compare on Google Earth.
Even it is in Balkans, it would be mistake to compare ground in Serbia with Greece for example, two very different things.
Here is some examples:

Some more here:, everyone can change it to his (or hers) own preferring

And there is a easier way to change lighting, also affects color:
In the texture folder you will find text file called: "Zemlja.mat". Right now it is written:
Ambient 0.20
Diffuse 1.45
If you want ground more bright, and also more vivid colors, just change setings to biger number for example:
Ambient 1.20
Diffuse 2.45
And there will be one "Voilaaa!"

There was one version with surrounding countries, in order to play April war campaign. But it was too large for IL2. It could go, but with none or very little objects on it. It looked very poor.
@Col. King
There is file "SrbijaDrvoTL.tga", it is tree. I don't know why your game cant open it. I can only suggest to erase everything and to install it again. Are you running in perfect or excellent mode?
Thanks master

Notice also how shades for textures are placed on map_t, not so in blocks, its more "spoty" (took me hours in photoshop

). Textures are divided in two major group which are diferent in colours and tones "sumadija_fields" and "vojvodina_fields", so that they could be blended easier.
And just splash some yellow on that trees if there is a need