Thanks guys

and comrades partisans

Uufflakke is right, objects in rivers must be removed by hand (they are put there by autopop), and that needs time. Also Blond is correct with his explanation, it is really like that. Now when he wrote it like that I think that I might just leave the houses in the water

While we are at objects, I also made one template for cities with one of the Uufflakke's packs. It has insignificant FPS drop even on the huge amount of the buildings. Maybe I will implement it in the future (time permitting, right now I even don't have IL2 on the computer at the moment. Also didn't ask Uufflakke for permission yet ).
Looks something like this:

That must be some all.ini problem or something like that. I never had that.
I dont know what can that be. Could be lack of bridges maybe. I must ask 102nd-yu, they tried it in HyperLobby, and as I understood it, there wasn't problems like that.
Problems that I have is when you open console (with shift+tab) it reports some errors. Also I had few CTDs with larger number of planes in the missions in 4.10. I can only assume that is caused because rivers not being at zero ground altitude, or lack of bridges.
@Col. King
Hvala. Razumem te sasvim dobro

And regarding IK3, it is now 102nd-yu project, and as I understood it, we will have it very soon through "official channels"

(so, it would be very professional top quality work) Firstly as Ai, and there is a chance for cockpit later. For now, it looks something like this: (screenshots by mwolf)

I have similar problem. I don't have time for finishing this also because I'm working and collecting money for new computer for BoB, CoD

(however they call it these days

Guys, don't forget, use the map and change it in every way you want. That's the main point and the fun.