The Messerschmitt Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v3.1 *4.101m and 4.11.1m*
---> Download Ultimate Pack 109s v3.1... for 4.09m users:
This version will NOT work for you. Please see 2nd post to download old version.Desert Map Load.ini Patch (To make trop filters and camo show up on desert maps):,4381.0.htmlInstallation1) Ensure you are running a 4.101m install with latest SAS Buttons and Der Wurstenfuch's Combined 109 Pits v4 or later before running the installer
2) Run the 7zip self-extracting archive and extract all to your root IL-2 directory.
3) Open the readme file your Mods directory. Please follow instructions to add air.ini entries.
New in Version 3.1- Expanded loadouts for Default variants
- Condensing down of slots: All trop variants removed and combined with parent aircraft, same with Jabos
- Flight model changes. There are numerous but most significant is G-1 and G-2 are both 1.3 ata. Since many were upgraded to G-3/G-4 standard, these aircraft have 1.42ata
- Fixed adjustable tailplane code, to allow smooth movements
- Completely redone LODs and numerous 3D fixes, thanks to Birdman
- Integration with 4.101m's All Holes Solved
- Addition of radio navigation to all appropriate variants
- High throttle (rich mixture) engine smoke added
- New loadout options, including AB-23s and recon armaments
YOU WILL REQUIRE LATER UNIFIED BUTTONS FROM THE SPECIAL AIRCRAFT SERVICE:,97.0.htmlAND CirX's LOW-REZ/DER WURSTENFUCH'S COMBINED 109 PITS v4 OR LATER:,4505.0.htmlFeatures - Covers entire range of 109s from E to Z (N.B. Jabos and Trops combined into parent slot)
Emil: E-1, E-3, E-4, E-4/B, E-4/N, E-7/B, E-7/Z, E-7/N
Fredrich: F-0, F-1, F-2, F-2/U Galland, F-3, F-4, F-4 1.3ata, F-4/Z
Gustav: G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5, G-5/AS, G-6, G-6 1.3ata, G-6 Erla, G-6 Tall Tail, G-6 late, G-6/AS, G-14/AS, G-14, G-10, G-10C3, G-10 Erla
Kurfurst: K-4, K-4C3, K-6, K-14
Other: Z
- Historically correct weapon loadouts, markings and models
- Historically correct FM and performance on new 109s
- Compatible exclusively with Der Wurstenfuch's Combined Cockpits v4 (not tested as of yet with default HSFX)
- Accurate 3D for all models
- New LOD1 shadows for all
- Opening canopies, which are affect FM when open in flight
- Dynamic and working Trop Filters
- New 'All Holes Solved' Plus mod (for all 109s)
Credits:3D - JapanCat, Anto, Muas, Ranwers, Huninthesun, Zorin, Maddox:1C, Birdman
Classfiles - Anto, Sani, Monguse, Muas, Huninthesun, Charliechap, SAS~Cirx, Josse, Radar, Wolfighter, Karaya, Danzigzag
Flight Models- Karaya, Anto, Maddox:1C
Textures - Cpt Farrell, Freddy, Shooter, Jester's Ink, Wolfighter, Avala, Anto
Project directed by Anto
Beta testing by SAS Admins and Modders
SAS Modact Patch by SAS~CirX & the SAS Team