As I told Slipper via PM I think it's caused by the fact that my BF-110 has bomber code. I'm not sure how it affects it but it is the only nightfighter with that code.
Yeah thanks for that ANDYTOHED. I have been trying to approach the problem of getting the AI to use schrage musik from two directions.
Firstly as mentioned to you, the G-4 you edited uses the implementation TypeBomber. This is different to the other planes and i think maybe something TD left in the code causes the G-4 to treat the schrage musik installation as a kind of 'fixed' turret, if you look in the code you will see reference to turret angle amongst other things, also there is mention of bombsight angle but i think that needs to be added when you declare a plane as TypeBomber.
The beauty of this method if we can isolate it and export it, is that it will be individual for each plane and self contained. So far i have had no luck adding it to another plane though

The second method is where TypeSchrageMusik is implemented for a plane, this refers to an AI routine in the manouever class file, the problem though is that it does not work anymore, and also as one routine affects all planes of TypeSchrageMusik then none of them work.
By playing about with this method i have managed to get the He-219 to adopt the different attack patterns, however it uses the wrong guns for the situation, ie forward guns when under a plane and schrage musik guns when behind a plane, if i can get the He-219 to reverse the type of armament it uses in an attack then this might work, so far no luck with this either.
Out of both methods the one in ANDYTOHEDS G-4 would appear to be the best option, but its getting it into other planes thats the problem.
If anyone wants to help take a look at tha standard G-4 and the radar equipped G-4 in the link above and compare their classfiles to see the difference, like i said i'm very inexperienced when it comes to java editing so sombody with better skills may be able to crack it.
The weird thing with the TypeSchrageMusik implementation in the manouever class, is that it seems to have copied the code for the Ki-46OTSU_Hei which still uses its upward firing canon fine.
If anyone can help in anyway, or has any suggestions please be my guest, i'm fumbling in the dark to be honest
