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Author Topic: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)  (Read 64030 times)

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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #108 on: May 04, 2013, 11:34:42 AM »

Great plane! Has any one experienced this: when I choose anything else than 'default' load out, I have twin cannon firing on top of fuselage, between the tail and the wing just above where the wing starts - like "Schräge Musik" in a Bf 110, YOU SEE NO CANNON JUST THE FLASHES OF FIRING! I use DBW 1.71.

That was the idea of this plane:

There should be one combination with only front weapons, the rest with SM.



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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #109 on: May 04, 2013, 03:06:04 PM »

I have been messing about with the java classes of this plane, trying to get theAI to use the schrage musik installation. This feature was introduced on a previous version of DBW but does not work anymore.

Anyway i have managed to get the aircraft to adopt the correct attack procedure when AI controlled, the only problem is that when attacking from below instead of firing the schrage musik guns the AI fires the front cannon, and vice versa when attacking from astern it uses the schrage musik guns.

Does anyone know what setting i have to change in which classfile to 'reverse' this action? If so i should be able to release a fix for this.




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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #110 on: May 04, 2013, 03:28:48 PM »

Was this ever solved for the Bf-110?

I think that inverting the triggers in the loadout (I mean the correspondence between the trigger number and the weapon itself that is shut) should do the trick if all what you have is an inversion.

I'm not coding lately so I cannot help directly for the while.



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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #111 on: May 04, 2013, 04:04:26 PM »

Thanks Benito

I was thinking along the same lines my self as changing the trigger number, i'm sure i tried this but it didn't work i will have a look again. The strange thing is that if a loadout is selected without the schrage musik then the He-219 uses the forward armament correctly.

Was this ever solved for the Bf-110?

No it wasn't mate, if i can get the He-219 to work i'm going to try the Bf-110 next along with the Ju-88G.

However if you install the Bf-110G4(radar) released by Andytohed here


then this does use the correct attack procedure. I am not sure how it works though it doesn't appear to follow the same format as the other schrage musik equipped planes, in fact i think it is completley seperate and does not rely on other class files ( the others rely on TypeSchrageMusik in the manouever.class). It works with a TypeBomber setting, but i'm having no luck trying to replicate it. If i just change the implementation type from TypeSchrageMusik to TypeBomber the mission freezes on loading, i think i also need to include all bombsight and other settings even though they would not be used.

I am brand new to modding mate so my knowledge isn't the best to be fair.




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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #112 on: May 05, 2013, 06:59:50 AM »

As I told Slipper via PM I think it's caused by the fact that my BF-110 has bomber code. I'm not sure how it affects it but it is the only nightfighter with that code. The class was originally that of the the TD radar BF-110 leak which I updated by adding loadouts and such, the bomber code was already there. It didn't have the schrage musik till I added it to the class. Something left in the bomber code by TD when they were making this radar 110 and then dropped it may be causing it to use the schrage correctly.


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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #113 on: May 05, 2013, 07:23:59 AM »

there are other planes with 'SM' style guns which also need looking at in this regard, i'm thinking now of the Japanese J1N1-S and Sa variants, both feature this type of gun, but when they are chasing a plane in front of them, the AI fires with the SM and just wastes all their ammo on thin air.
if there are some general rules on how to properly implement this for planes across the board, it would be very welcomed.
possibly a new topic on this in superschool?
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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #114 on: May 05, 2013, 08:09:53 AM »

As I told Slipper via PM I think it's caused by the fact that my BF-110 has bomber code. I'm not sure how it affects it but it is the only nightfighter with that code.

Yeah thanks for that ANDYTOHED. I have been trying to approach the problem of getting the AI to use schrage musik from two directions.

Firstly as mentioned to you, the G-4 you edited uses the implementation TypeBomber. This is different to the other planes and i think maybe something TD left in the code causes the G-4 to treat the schrage musik installation as a kind of 'fixed' turret, if you look in the code you will see reference to turret angle amongst other things, also there is mention of bombsight angle but i think that needs to be added when you declare a plane as TypeBomber.

The beauty of this method if we can isolate it and export it, is that it will be individual for each plane and self contained. So far i have had no luck adding it to another plane though  :(

The second method is where TypeSchrageMusik is implemented for a plane, this refers to an AI routine in the manouever class file, the problem though is that it does not work anymore, and also as one routine affects all planes of TypeSchrageMusik then none of them work.

By playing about with this method i have managed to get the He-219 to adopt the different attack patterns, however it uses the wrong guns for the situation, ie forward guns when under a plane and schrage musik guns when behind a plane, if i can get the He-219 to reverse the type of armament it uses in an attack then this might work, so far no luck with this either.

Out of both methods the one in ANDYTOHEDS G-4 would appear to be the best option, but its getting it into other planes thats the problem.

If anyone wants to help take a look at tha standard G-4 and the radar equipped G-4 in the link above and compare their classfiles to see the difference, like i said i'm very inexperienced when it comes to java editing so sombody with better skills may be able to crack it.

The weird thing with the TypeSchrageMusik implementation in the manouever class, is that it seems to have copied the code for the Ki-46OTSU_Hei which still uses its upward firing canon fine.

If anyone can help in anyway, or has any suggestions please be my guest, i'm fumbling in the dark to be honest  ;)




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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #115 on: December 15, 2013, 09:12:21 AM »

Why the rear wells doesn't touch the ground?


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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #116 on: December 19, 2013, 07:48:17 AM »

Why the rear wells doesn't touch the ground?

The Luftwaffe were ahead of their time! Its like a Star-Wars anti-gravity spaceship  ;D LOL

I think Epervier made a fix for that problem once. I cannot find the post he made.
 I will have to ask him where it is.

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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #117 on: December 20, 2013, 04:54:14 AM »

ok thanks


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Re: He-219 for 4.10m (v5 Beta)
« Reply #118 on: December 20, 2013, 05:44:18 AM »

Like the X-34 Landspeeder:

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