I remember I've sent you a complete tutorial by PM for making bump files in GIMP about 2 months ago.
The only thing you had to do is installing GIMP the freeware editing program. But probably you still haven't tried it out.
Like Avala says creating bump files is not so hard.
You won't wreck your install, in case you did something wrong with a bump file the only thing that happens is... that nothing happens.
The map will load as usual but the bump file won't work. And if you are not sure if a bump file works or not just change the hour of the day in FMB and if it creates shadows then the bump file works!
I've to say that now I know how to create bump files I got addicted to it. It gives the maps you are used to play on an extra dimension, especially when the sun is low and flying at low altitude.
EDIT: in case you threw my PM in the basket
here it is again (based on UP~Boomer's mapmakers tutorial Textures For Beginners): I assume you have installed GIMP already because this program makes the necessary greyscales for bump files. Other programs like Photoshop etc also make greyscales but won't be recognized by IL2.
At least that's what I've read several times.
Anyway here is the tutorial:
In Gimp select the .tga you want to 'bump':
File -->Open --> select your texture-Toolbar:
Image -->Mode -->GreyscaleNow the texture turns grey
Colors -->InvertThe grey texture inverts
Colors --> Brightness/ContrastThe bump files I sent you yesterday had the settings: Brightness -58/Contrast -28.
I noticed that setting the sliders more to the left the less effect it had in game. Not that much pulled up/bumped landscape.
But you can fiddle around with settings as much as you like of course.
-Toolbar: Filters -->
Blur --> Gaussian BlurSettings are Horizontal 2.0/Vertical 2.0
But you can fiddle around with settings also or not using the Filters --> Blur option at all.
That's basically it but the tricky thing is in saving it as a bump file. That's what some other mapmakers have done wrong and why added bump files won't work at all.
Here we go:
File --> Save AsNow a screen pops up and first go down to the bottom of it and click on the + (Select filetype, according extension)
Select TarGA-image
-Don't click SAVE now, first go to the top to Name: TextureName.tga and change the extension .tga into .BumpH.
For instance: SL_Lowland.tga becomes SL_Lowland.BumpH
-Click on Save
-Now a tiny window pops up which says something like "the extension is not correct, do you really want to save it?"
Select Save
-Another window pops up: Uncheck RLE compression and select Save again.
That's it!
Remember that the .tga and its bump file with the same name needs to be in the same folder.