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Author Topic: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b (no longer available)  (Read 125861 times)

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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #348 on: May 31, 2011, 10:19:24 PM »

no, in theory it is possible.

See, how modding works, is that a modded exe(or dll to be specific) forces the game to load stuff in a certain folder OVER the stuff it loads from the stock game.

so, when you launch a modded exe, it will look for such a folder, by a specific name. In the case of "classic modded game" it will look for a MODS folder. For and SAS game it will look for a folder call #SAS, if you select a UP3 game, it will look for a folder called #UP#.

So, you can take your whole #SAS folder for example, and name it MODS. And if you select "Classic mod game" on the selector, it will read the "MODS" file, which now contains SAS mod-act 3 stuff, and so, you will launch mod-act 3 in practice.

Same with UP. If you put your UP files in "MODS", and launch the "Ultra Pack 3" option in the selector, your game will not read anything form any folder called "MODS", only from a folder called #UP#. If your UP stuff is in your MODS folder, it will thus not be read.

To make it be read, you must select "Classic Modded Game", then the game will read content from their MODS folder.

it may seem a bit confusing, but once one has your head around it, it is really straight forward.

My advice is though, that if one is unsure, best not to mix your installs, and to only install things one at a time, and very carefully, so you can remove it easily if it does not work.

But do yourself a favor, if you are serious about making your life in modded IL2 easier. some years ago I was just like you. I did not know anything and even simple things confused me and I got things wrong and messed up many installs, and did not know enough to get out of it.

And back then, at AAA, there was zero information available, and no help forthcoming.
So I took a weekend once, and started just searching and reading, and writing things out as I understood them, until I got a solid basic understanding of more or less how modded file structures work.

Later, when I started this forum, I put all that into tutorials, which are available here. IF one takes some time and patience, and a willingness to learn, you can sit down and go through them carefully, and at the end of it you will understand a whole lot more about the game, and be much more able to help yourself. But I understand, one does not want to do that, one just wants stuff to work.

However, if you do not know enough, then don't make hybrid or customized installs. Take what and install gives and leave it at that. If you have a working install that is highly customized like your one you mentioned, then for Christ sake don't go install something else over that. Make a copy and work on THAT. Make multiple installs so you can experiment.

I know my way around mod BACWARDS. And I can tell you , I NEVER EVER EVER install anything straight into my personal "Ultimate" game install. I have many small installs with simple activators to TEST stuff on. And if I cannot get them to work there, I don't go ahead and install them into my personal game anyway and hope for the best!

If I have a proper modded install of HSFX, then I will have another clean install of HSFX for backup, and yet another clean install of it, for checking out updates and new mods on first.

Same goes for everything else. I have a UP3 customized, I also have a UP3 clean tester, a UP3 backup, and I back up my #UP# folder weekly, so even if I really fuck up, I only step back at most 7 days, to a fully working copy.

I understand that int he flight Sim world, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is rampant. I too am a sufferer. You WANT all the mods in ONE folder and no other dirty little installs floating around. It must all be neat and tidy and in one place.And you must install all mods and packs and updates into that, and if that does not work, you have to start from scratch every time.

In my opinion, that method is at best completely irresponsible, and at worst, truly insane.

So, perhaps a request to everybody: Don't come tell us that we ruined your working install that you worked years on and now it is lost forever. If you run mods that way, without backups, then all we can really say is "Pity the fool!" :D

And as I said to Raptor when we talked about this a while ago: The argument about not having space on your harddrive for multiple installs is crap. I bought a 1.5TB Seagate barracuda 3 weeks ago, and it cost a lot less than I paid for my Mouse. If you cannot obtain more drive space in this day and age, then I think a messed up IL2 may be the least of your problems in life. ;D

So, make copies, make copies , make  copies.

have copies on backup drives, have copies on your harddrive, have copies of 4.07, of 4.08, of 4.09 and of 4.10 and of 4.101. Have multiple copies of 409 and 4101. Have copies of all your installs.

Have copies you can fuck up and learn from. Have copies to test with. Have copies to play with. Have copies to mod with. Have copies of every working install you have.

NEVER install more than 1 thing at a time before testing. NEVER install anything straight into your MAIN KING PERSONAL CUSTOM SUPER INSTALL (the one you play for fun)

And then, make backups. Make backups of everything, all the time.

With the new method of mod-act we made, it is possible to have a UP3, SAS3 and HSFX5 install all in one super install. But it requires just a little bit of management from the user side. If a user does not know or understand the game structure enough to manage that, then he must please not attempt it. Rather then just have separates.

I have many installs, but I have my one big super install. My personal game I play for fun. And even with all my knowledge and troubleshooting skills, I never ever put an untried and untested mod straight into it. I also never put a mod into it that I don't absolutely want and need. For novelty planes and mods, I try them out on another install, to see if they are truly worth it. I have to say, in my super install, I have never had more than a handful of new planes in there at any one time. Having every mod ever made in one install might satisfy one's OCD, but it is also a surefire ticket to disaster.

My advice about modding is: Be sure, be slow, be methodical, be careful, be conservative, and most of all, the golder slogan of everything that is gold in the world of hacking:

try before you buy

Although everybody does, you should in fact never come to a forum like this and say "I put this into my only copy and it messed it up and I cannot get it out and things working again.
It is ones own responsibility to educate yourself, to test, to have backups and copies, and to, when you do install something into your BIG INSTALL, to carefully note every step you take so you can step back properly if needed.

So, in closing: Take a deep breath, walk away from the game for a few hours/days/weeks (like I do when I get so frustrated), then come back and set yourself up to be able to try things out properly and play with them and learn from them, without having to risk your high-value installs every time you want to do something new.

Best of luck with it! And believe me, the path I describe is worth the effort. The game you will end up with will kick the ass of any other flightsim any day of the week and twice on Sundays.  I have had big "ACES" from the big MS and other flightssim "clubs" here, come sit behind my PC to try out this "little outdated Russian simulator", and leave 8 hours later, pale faced and silent.



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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #349 on: May 31, 2011, 11:52:26 PM »

no, in theory it is possible.

See, how modding works, is that a modded exe(or dll to be specific) forces the game to load stuff in a certain folder OVER the stuff it loads from the stock game.

so, when you launch a modded exe, it will look for such a folder, by a specific name. In the case of "classic modded game" it will look for a MODS folder. For and SAS game it will look for a folder call #SAS, if you select a UP3 game, it will look for a folder called #UP#.

HAHA, i wasn't even going to quote all of that Cirx but yes once again you have spoken very wise words. I feel like a padawan but close enough to become an apprentice jedi. LOL. I know a lil bit so yeah like you, I got damn installs all over the place and I do a fair bit of testing. This one today just took a toll on me. Maybe just a bad day, I dunno. I usually can F somethin up and come back clean and better but this time I lost information which I usually make notes of. But I haven't come close enough to all this modding yet where I feel at home. Maybe another year. I'm still makin small missions and playing around with things. So I'm calm now and guess what? I installed modact. LOL. I finally broke down and decided to apply it. It's actually quite genius. I already have some ideas I wanna test. Well thanks for calming me. My wife swears that this game is evil because it shouldn't do what it does to people. LOL. Ok time for sleep and thanks again sir for your wealth of knowledge.  ;)


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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #350 on: June 01, 2011, 08:23:33 PM »

For some reason I'm not able to open the sas_sound 01 & 02, or any of those files. It's asking me what program to use to open it. Are these blocked from general view? I have 64 bit win7 enterprise edition so maybe that's it. I hate the win7 gui. straight trash even if you go into classic mode.


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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #351 on: June 01, 2011, 08:28:51 PM »

you cannot open SFS files, you just put them in your game as the instructions say.


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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #352 on: June 01, 2011, 10:34:23 PM »

you cannot open SFS files, you just put them in your game as the instructions say.

Another question for ya sir. For UP and SAS game, we must use the offline 4.101 buttons right? Ok I guess my question is that you said that you can play multiple games right so how would I do that if you can only have one button in the gui\game at one time? But the most confusing of all is if we would use the offline or online 4.101 buttons since that is basically the new engine for UP3.0. Damn I need someone with a freakin phone. LOL

I'm using the 4.101 buttons btw and all is good but damn, why is there a "enable UP3.0" mod in JSGME if you can enable it directly from the selector? Just tell me the 4.09 buttons are history so i can get that mental nightmare outta my head. Thanks much bro. Drinks on me.


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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #353 on: June 02, 2011, 09:41:15 AM »

Another question for ya sir. For UP and SAS game, we must use the offline 4.101 buttons right? Ok I guess my question is that you said that you can play multiple games right so how would I do that if you can only have one button in the gui\game at one time?

I also said that if you are not abslutely comfortable and knowlegeable enough to manage a multiple pack environment in a single install, to please not do it.

EVERYTHING else you asked, are realy step1 basic groundlevel grade one stuff, on which there is a huge amount of information and answers in the relevant download threads, the tutorial sections, the guides, and the tech help section.

We spend days and days of our lives writing these things. Please read them.

Please understand, I know that we have a reputation on this forum for being "snappy" at nevcomers. But the guys who say that must please understand this concept:

The SAS forum is NOT a public service. It was NOT started to help IL2 players mod their games. It is NOT an il2 modding help forum.
It is, and always was, a forum where Modders who mod their games, can, if they want, share those mods with everyone else, and secondly, where such mods would not be surpressed and restricted as result of pressure by the online communities.

That any modder here takes any time to write any sort of readme, much less full blown tutorials and guides, is a gesture of friendlyness, not a requirement, or a right that users can claim. That modders provide any support for the mods at all is also something everyone should be thankfull for, and do their absolute best not to abuse, by taking the time to educate themselves and try to learn the answers to basic questions by themselves. And to be honest, anyone who has not read at least the whole tutorials sections, tech help sections, support threads ,and for that matter the rest of the forum, from top to bottom, at least twice, has not fulfilled their part of the deal yet.

No one ever said that modding your game is going to be easy and straightforward. Modders spend weeks and months of their lives , making cool things for this game, yet many users do not want to spend more than 30 seconds trying to help themselves. And when we say anything about that, then we get accused of being "snappy".

I know of more than one case where a great modder has stopped sharing his stuff because he got completely demoralised by continious repeated questions and problems and help requests, 99% of which were answerable easily if a user read one or two tutorials, and spent 5 minutes troubleshooting it themselves.

So we are not at all trying to be wiseasses or trying to be snappy or nasty when we stop a new user in his tracks and tell him: "go try to help yourself first mate". We are in a real sense, protecting our forum.

As for questions about UP3 enabling, same thing. And if none of the UP3 support threads, and nothing on the UP3 board answers that for you, then sit tight for the readme that will surely come with the final release. But I know the answer is in there somewhere, cause I remember reading it.

Please dont take all this personaly. Your questions are not any worse than what we get from some others, a lot of whom have been using mods for years (the "JD Paradox" we call it: "I ALWAYS install ALL mods CORRECTLY, yet, NO mod EVER works"  :D ) . Nor am I in any way angry or annoyed. I am just giving you some good advice. Educate yourself. You will need it and it will stand you in good stead. If you need help with this stuff above already, then, dont use mods, cause from here on out, it only gets more complicated and difficult if you cannot do your own basic research.


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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #354 on: June 03, 2011, 06:30:13 AM »

Is there is a way to restore stock blue menu?


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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #355 on: June 07, 2011, 12:37:38 AM »

I've just installed it and it looks very nice...
But I can't fly any type of I-16 now... I have CTD immediately after mission loads...
When I try to switch back to the stock game -- I have the same problem -- no I-16's are working...
I need to fix it somehow ASAP since I'm workin' over the all I-16 cockpits for this sim:


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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #356 on: June 07, 2011, 03:57:43 AM »

cant help with the problem, but nice to see that you're around :)


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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #357 on: June 07, 2011, 04:48:21 AM »

Hi Mangas!

Sorry, I dont know how to help. If it is in your stock game also, then it is something outside the Modact. There is nothing in the modact that could cause that by itself, only if there is an external problem, or a conflicting mod installed.

The easiest surefire way would be to copy a spare 4.101 vanilla into your PC and test that stock, then with the modact. Let me know if this works out or if you solve it. If not, then I will help you investigate and test till we do.


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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #358 on: June 07, 2011, 06:19:12 AM »

cant help with the problem, but nice to see that you're around :)

Hello, Istvan. I missed you too, man!

Hi Mangas!

Sorry, I dont know how to help. If it is in your stock game also, then it is something outside the Modact. There is nothing in the modact that could cause that by itself, only if there is an external problem, or a conflicting mod installed.

No additional mods are installed: I've installed 4.101 apart from my 4.09m+HSFX just now to see if my new I-16 cockpits will be 4.101 compatible... They are, but only 8-years old types 18 & 24...
Here's what happens when I try to load any other type in it:


Apparently, I'm strangely missing cockpits of planes that come with stock 4.09b somehow:


but it's really weird, 'cause I swear I installed 4.09b before patching 4.10/4.101...
Here's how my fresh 4.101+SASMAct 3.04b looks like now (note the 4.09b readme pdf manual that comes with the patch):


Do you guys have the same? What did I do wrong?


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Re: SAS Most Awesome Modact 3.04b for 4.101 (updated 21 May 2011)
« Reply #359 on: June 07, 2011, 07:31:19 AM »

I hope you mean 409m and NOT "409b" ? You have the italian trimotor Savoia SM79, right?

Holy... Grail!  :'( are there TWO different patches? 'Cause I seem missin' Savoia SM79 3d-model somehow:


Welcome to re-install process, Mangas!

P.S.: so what is the proper exact version of 4.09 I need after 4.08m & prior to 4.10/4.101 for SASModAct 3.04b?  ::)
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