Boelcke, I am also gearing up to look at this issue.
From my side, we have an enormous problem with the use of custom skins in dynamic campaigns...for some like me, who realys truggle to download big things, being able to download a few MB of great campaigns is nice, but having to download the billion gigs of customs skins for them also (many of the skins of which are not always good, or not always "on a par" in timbre to others in the campaign), and fankly NEVER EVER EVR being able to get all the right skins in all the right folders to play any mission or campaign without glitches, unmarked or wrongly skinned planes, it is a pain.
We have sent many many months rewriting the marking system of IL2, and many more, building default skinpacks, which we are expanding all the time. In many cases now, a default skin and new markings on, look better than some old skins with markings on, or off.
So I have been working with an application called TextCrawler, and have collected all the needed regular exressions, to put out a very simple and quick tutorials for any user, to instantly rewrite all their campaign and mission files to only use default skins, markings, pilots.
This, together with our working with UP to make a complete SFS based map set availbale for all, will make it possible to compile a very comprehensive and complete un-outdateable pack of dynamic campaigns and missions than any of our users can install and use (with UP3 or with the related SAS3 add-ons), without having to worry once about anything else.
It seems to me you are the perfect person to build such a pack. Let me know if we must start talking.
I have looked at BOE with initial enjoyr patches, and frankly, it looks like a disaster area. it is simply nowhere near as simple as it realy should be.
And, like I suspect many many many users before me, looked at all the skins I had to download seperately, downloaded the first little batch, looked at the quality of it, and just threw it all in the trashcan, new campaigns included. And I am lucky, I had Vincent who could give me lots of advice and guidlines for doing all this, but by the time the emails instructions was onto the third or 4th email, and I had seen the guides included, which make the whole UP, SAS, and HSFX guides all combined look like a little pamplet, I could see this area of the game is well and truly stuffed up.