Well, I've been meaning to post it into the forum for almost 6 months, but I was not sure is anyone would be interested in it, considering the rather amateurish video editing skills I have, even up to the most recent one. However, if I wanted to know if there was any interest, I would have to give it a shot, eh?
Well then, here goes... Please do note that in the earlier videos, some clips were done rather, deliberately. I apologise for that.
Epic Fails and Close Calls 1Epic Fails and Close Calls 2Epic Fails and Close Calls 3From this point till part 8, I had strayed from the initial feel of the Epic Fails and Close Calls... Only parts 5 and 6 retained very little of the feel ofthe first 3 parts.
Epic Fails and Close Calls 4Epic Fails and Close Calls 5This part marks the beginning of using an intro of sorts.
Epic Fails and Close Calls 6Epic Fails and Close Calls 7It was after making this part that made me rethink of what I wanted to show...
Epic Fails and Close Calls 8Part 9 began with a new formula, plus some certain meme and well, it turned out good.
Epic Fails and Close Calls 9Parts 10 and 11 were experimental vids where I introduced my friends to the game, they seemed to only see it as a game that was beyond their capabilities, and their results do show...
Epic Fails and Close Calls 10Small story about a certain BI-6 clip: Yes, it did land safely. Till now, that's the moment I can never replicate again.
Epic Fails and Close Calls 11Part 12 was another change, and also a reference to another IL-2 video, "Failures of Epic Variety 2", and also, tried to reference Strikers 1945, but failed in my opinion. Also, the Pe-8 clip is by far my most favourite, simply because the music fits so well with the situation.
Epic Fails and Close Calls 12I strayed slightly in part 13 as I was actually running out of ideas, but I held on till the end.
Epic Fails and Close Calls 13Part 14 was meant to be the end of the series as I realised I've done everything that could be said as funny, turns out it wasn't.
Epic Fails and Close Calls 14Part 15 marked another experimental video, and the time where I finally decided to try out the HSFX mod. It only lasted till part 17 of the series, when the game itself decided to crash on me to the point of reinstallation.
Epic Fails and Close Calls 15Part 16 marked a reference to the first part of the series, and along with part 12, were the most enjoyable videos I've made.
Epic Fails and Close Calls 16Meme-licious end in part 17 :p
Epic Fails and Close Calls 17Part 18... my most recent video of the series, was after the reinstallation and decided against HSFX and went on using SAS Modact instead, and well, here's the results... Just... don't blame me for a certain thing though.
Epic Fails and Close Calls 18Well, there's all I have or now, all 18 parts of the video I had been making, and right now, compiling for part 19...