Happy Flying!

DC-3B-Airliner air.DC_3B 1 usa01 SUMMER
4.101 only, not tested in 4.09.
Version 2, delete the previous version.
DC-3B FM based of real Airline figures for:
*600 gallons (2271 L) of fuel (Generally 1 fuel tank is removed,
so as not to overload the aircraft.)
*Economical cruise speed of 165 mp/h (265 km/h)
*Max Speed 346 km/h
Other Changes:
*Includes Passengers with head gear(Radio) Removed because
civilians don't go around with radio sets on them.(Unless they are Spies!)
Includes 10 of them and 21 Seats.
*Upper Fuselage Radio Antenna, cables and masts removed
New In V.2:
*Fixed Pilot and Passenger skins, they now have hair instead of radio etc. Pilots now wear a nice Airline Pilot Suit.
*Mod no longer conflicts with stock C-47.
Basic Interior + Cockpit~ Rawners
New engines~ Wolfighter
3D edits, Java~ Verhängnis
Default skins~ max_thehitman, ual002
Passenger skins + Pilot skins~ purgatorio
If anyone can create an alpha layer in the tga and tgb Paintschemes please PM me, I tried and failed, once this is done Max's skin will be set to the default.
For now you can find it here(You may also want to look around for some more DC-3 skins):