Ejection already exists! 
But the initial code is incomplete!
Please wait - some adjustments to make!
Work fine in 4.09 ! 
You were keeping this top-secret from me. AAAAAHAHAHAAH!

Merci Epervier.
At the moment the Great Jero (PA_Jeronimo) has sent me his new special Wheels-Fix for this wonderful airplane and I will test them.
This airplane will now be 99% perfect.
I am also finishing the last selection of skins for public downloads and I should be finished in about 3 days. These things take along time to
paint each skin properly and check with my history books+Photos to see if its correct.
I´m painting little more details in the skins for a "used look", with some scratches and chipped paint in some areas. I think you will really like
the new skins.
To the few people I sent the skins for testing, please pardon my little mistake in name writing, I wrote on the skins "RLM-72" and it should be "RLM-76".
Sorry guys, I am not perfect and it was 05:00 in the morning when I made that pack and sent it out. I was really tired.
But don't worry, I know exactly which were the correct colors used.
OK, I am going to go back to some more painting. See you later good friends.