High Ranwers !
In the "View Objects" of my DBW1.71, a lot of the CVLs+crewV5 cause an immediate freeze-crash as I try to view them;
closing my computer session is the only way to stop Il2 and regain control. Also see
top of this page problem a year ago.
( by Silverfox23 )
USSPrincetonCVL23 and about
two/third of Plowshare's CVLs have the following mesh:
Sailor1.msh of 11/06/2011 5:11 AM 240kb; this is the source of the problem;
I used
Sailor1.msh of 07/06/2011 3:23 PM 195kb as replacement, then crashes are gone for these ships in the object viewer.
NOTE the alternate msh will make it's crew appear in mid air on upper observation deck. So crew-mod's Hier.him of sister ship must be applied as well to locate crew properly. Again, only USSPrincetonCVL23 has this file, in your basic v5 download.
But it was used by Plowshare in many of his CVLs, but not all. I hope you find this help full

To view Ship.ini entry is:
USSPrincetonCVL23 3do/Ships/USSPrincetonCVL23/Hier.him 1Also see same old 2011 dpeters95's comment here: