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Author Topic: Newbie Guide : What is Dark Blue World (DBW) ?  (Read 78357 times)

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Newbie Guide : What is Dark Blue World (DBW) ?
« on: June 14, 2011, 08:43:42 AM »

What is Dark Blue World (DBW) ?

Dark Blue World (DBW) Is a pack built exclusively for offline players. It is built on top of UltraPack 3.  An existing UP3 install is thus required before a player can install and start using DBW. It is a joint project by the SAS and UP, although future builds of DBW will include content from many other packs and groups.

DBW addresses the needs of offline players directly, without having to compromise for online security and parity. It is thus more frequently updated and eventually the content of it will far outstrip that of any online pack, by large factors. The philosophy behind DBW prioritizes compatibility of installations with offline single and QMB missions, and offline campaigns.

Since UP3 is made to not be 100% mod friendly, because it has superior MDS and CRT2 additions, UP and SAS have come up with DBW, to address this, at least for offline players, who are the large majority of IL2 players.

A typical DBW setups would work like this:

A 4.101 install
with UP3 added
And then DBW Build 1.0 added

The player would then update his base UP install with any UP3 updates as they become available (we will alert users to these in the DBW download board)
And the player would at the same time download and install expansion packs for DBW as they become available. Most of these expansions will require the previous expansions to already be installed.

The DBW expansions will not affect the base UP3 install at all, for online UP3 players. UP3 official updates will be incorporated into DBW as they become available, as required, requiring no big user efforts. They will not adversely affect DBW installs at all.

To play DBW, a player would disable the UP3 triggers (files.SFS) in his jsgme, and then select "Dark Blue World" with his il2fb.exe selector, and launch.

UltraPack and SAS have also entered into an informal "stability" partnership, meaning that Big Packs like this, from now on, will not need to be replaced every time the stock game is updated, but rather just patched and expanded.

Who uses Dark Blue World?

~DBW is aimed 100% at offline players. Any offline player would be strongly advised to get into it, since it is the only version of the game that caters exclusively to them.

~UP3 players who which to have a more moddable companion to their UP3 game, for offline use.

Who should NOT use Dark Blue World?

~Online players

~Players with serious, 3rd world level, internet access problems. the UP3 base pack and updates, which is required, is a rather big pack, the download coming in at around 6GB. DBW will also be very regularly expanded, and those downloads can happen as frequently as weekly, and be as large as M each.

What are the Advantages of Dark Blue World?

~ Based upon UP3, it is from build one already the most comprehensive (in other words, has the most content) of any base Mod Pack available for 4.101.
~ Being in SFS format, with most future expansions also being in that format, which is the game's native format, it will be very neat and tidy, and very stable and fast loading.
~ Since it is a cooperative SAS/UP affair, the support for it is extremely good and very available.
~ It is the only package in IL2 exclusively for offline use
~ It can be installed alongside other systems, like SAS Modact, or HSFX, in the same installation, without interfering or being affected.
~ It is part of the SAS/UP "stability" partnership, insulating users against complete installation and pack replacement due to stock updates in the future.
~ Very stable and proven high quality soundmod based on previous SFX soundmod, and provision for user-choices in soundmods, in SFS format, in future.
~ It is the pack that the SAS officially recommends and supports for the offline player
~ Ease of updating: with SFS placeholders in place, future upgrades and expansions will be a s easy as copy and paste for the users who does not want to to individual customization himself
~Highly moddable: With no online additions and other associated classes, DBW is compatible with just about any 4.101 mod you can throw at it.

What are the Disadvantages of Dark Blue World?

~ Users who add mods individually, can get caught out if they do not take notes of what they install, because when an official DBW update comes along, it may contain those mods, or DBW customized versions of those mods, which may result in double entries if the player is not careful.
~ It's base, UP3, is a large initial pack to download for the person with really bad and limited internet access. It is just over 6gb for the base pack. Regular updates and expansions for UP3 and DBW can also be a problem for those people so affected.
~ For the dedicated online players, everything about DBW is disadvantageous. No online player comments, suggestions, requests, support, complaints, input, or opinions are welcome at the DBW table.

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