Thanks Lonestar67, but it actually seems not. Loaded the mission in single mission, flew twice, had to go invulnerable to survive on autopilot, with only EcranWide enabled. Plays fine, no problems so the game is probably ignoring those entries, but how did they get there? I can't find these in the original master mission file either;
100010_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$M5_75mm 1 126709.00 27992.00 362.0 0.0
100020_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$PaK40 2 126958.00 28022.00 542.0 0.0
100030_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$M5_75mm 1 126711.00 28040.00 362.0 0.0
100040_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$PaK40 2 126959.00 28046.00 542.0 0.0
100050_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$M5_75mm 1 126712.00 28075.00 362.0 0.0
100060_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$PaK40 2 126960.00 28081.00 542.0 0.0
100070_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$M5_75mm 1 126713.00 28099.00 362.0 0.0
the PAKs are there but with normal numbers, and with integers of that magnitude I don't know if the game will recognise them without wraparound, but still, the mission works with no problems on my system so either yes or the game ignores them. (no errors in the console)
So, other possible causes?
There used to be an alleged problem with DCG and the memory leak in OpenGL, caused by having too many total objects in the mission, system dependent, but that seemed to disappear along with the new exe files, and now with the selector and also Pablo's dll. However, could there be a memory problem here, as with the apparent reverse logic required to make some maps load, i.e. use less memory in the selector? (java VM memory that is, it's not total system memory)
Alternately, older system or graphic card? System memory? That only DCG missions crash sounds more like a system capacity issue, DCG tending to produce lots of stuff if you turn it up, but there isn't that much in this one, so my best guess is back to the memory leak, used to plague me but haven't seen it since, well, UP/DBW actually. The bad entries are an indication that something is screwing up somewhere though, if DCG put those in it's an issue for Paul, but stationary objects can be edited to a limited degree in DCG, maybe something went wrong there. Still doesn't explain why it crashes in both camapign and single though, but that appears to be something well outside of DCG or the DBW/DCG files.
How to fix it? Try turning all the density/flight/radius settings down to minimise the mission content and see if things then run smoother, if so turn things up gradually to see how far you can go before the game or system gets overloaded, as I suspect there's a system problem, but it's impossible to say from here, but see if you can get DCG missions to run smoothly at all, at the lowest settings, and work up to find your system limit. Check the set up in the selector, don't go over 512MB or the game will be unstable, oddly enough less is often more here, but I can only see a DCG connection in mission load, although again this one isn't that heavy, and there are no (misison related) errors in the console on loading, apart from one texture in the map, so I can only assume it's a system error.
Try using stock DCG and run the same campaign, see if the same thing happens, that at least excludes the DBW/DCG files, it's then probably an issue for TechHelp.
I'll try running the campaign myself and see if anything happens, but that takes a while, even on invulnerable autopilot @x8...
Wish I could help more. I know there's hardly any system info to go on but anyone got any brilliant flashes of technically inspired genius to help him out?
System gurus?